About Arianna

Oh! Hey you wanna learn more about me! That’s rad here take a seat and I’ll tell you all about me.

Arianna was born hundreds of thousands of years ago on a farm in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy. She was raised by space wolves and they taught her how to write, draw, design, kickbox, and lie about kickboxing.

She’s a bisexual trans woman from Canada and was actually born in the mid 90s to the shock and appall of many. Arianna grew up with a passion for creating and as time went on she would take classes and learn from her peers the arts with which she cares about so deeply. She’s a master of Photoshop, a pretty good digital illustrator, a technically published author, and a graphic designer. She’s also been exploring game development, more on that soon.

She loves her friends and loved ones (duh) very dearly and tries to spend her time not creating with them. She has a love for video games and movies and has been known to play tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons every so often. She’s a huge Pokemon nerd and has been known for it.

Arianna loves writing bios in the third person and making art and friends! She hopes you enjoy her art and have some fun while you’re here on her website!

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