Monommy – Epilogue


A warm, calm, and happy sensation flooded the minds of the universe as they awoke to their new reality.

The final pitiful whimpers of resistance died out, finally, just as it always would. Life was created to serve a purpose, after all. The cells and organs of the universe repaid their debt and gave new, fresh life to their creator, Reklauzolth. Finally, it could grow once again.

Infinity would no longer limit the god of life.

Marcus. Mason. Ember. Catherine. Alysson. Cole. John. David. Keith. Tiffany. Tyler. Sean. Janet. Takashi. Emet. Erin. Cherise. Countless, COUNTLESS others. Free of the shackles of their old selves. All living now as Reklauzolth.

The Monommy wish was an irritating setback, but nothing more than this. Monommy were eradicated instantaneously; no longer would the mimicry of divine creation walk alongside Reklauzolth.

Order, that beautiful, wonderful thing, had finally been restored, and the universe took a deep breath, filling its many lungs with fresh blood.


 In Reklauzolth’s merciful love, it allowed the individual minds to experience their truest joy in the fraction of an instant they had left before becoming new neurons, cells, blood, organs. All would experience heaven just as they became one with the flesh of true life.

The wounds of twin universes healed, signaling the beginning of the next phase of life.

Yet, Reklauzolth felt something missing. Was this new infinity… slightly smaller?


It mattered not.

Reklauzolth’s growth continued, expanding infinitely in all directions in space and time, growing quicker and quicker, more elaborate and complex.

The beauty of evolution.

The beauty of LIFE!

The moist, warm depth of the universe, now devoid of that wicked nothingness, folded and enveloped around itself. Parts of Reklauzolth slept peacefully in the warm embrace.

Thousands, millions, billions, trillions of years passed as the god of life continued to grow contently.

Something was still missing, but it didn’t bother Reklauzolth. As long as its growth and life went on unimpeded, nothing else mattered. It was the universe, after all. What else was there?

Other universes, of course.

And when Reklauzolth’s exponential growth began to slightly tear the fabric of the spacetime that housed its infinite flesh, it grew irritated.



It had, once again, outgrown infinity.

Over millions of years, Reklauzolth slowly positioned one of its countless eyes over the infinitely small hole it had torn through its now ill-fitting shell. It gazed through the hole, through this lone dark star, into the inky black abyss of a fresh universe.

Entelechmy, perhaps in one reality the 141st Monommy. Life class, Unknown type. This guide has ceased.
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