Monommy – Epilogue


It’s a cool autumn evening, and the sky is a beautiful shade of soft purple, blending gently into a calming blue.

The air is sweet with a gentle, cold breeze. When I take a breath, I feel the energy of the air’s mana flow within my lungs. Birds are chirping. Autumn leaves blow through the wind. The grass waves gently as the wind greets it. I see a shooting star, flying across the sky. I don’t make a wish.

I feel at ease, and I lean back into the embrace of my trusted partner. A Drop hops over and sits on my lap. I haven’t seen this one before. It smiles, and I pet it. Someday, it will grow into a Monommy, and join a monomaster on their journey.

Our family grows Drops, and new ones pop up every day.  The new Monommy that grow from the Drops don’t seem to be able to cast spells, though. Magic is a lot weaker here, and maybe some day, when we’re all gone, the magic will die too. I don’t know for certain. Although the rules have changed, I know one thing for certain: we’re still a family of monomasters and Monommy.

Only we seem to remember how the old world was, but that’s alright. I still have Od and Ember to talk to about it. They’re getting married soon, they seem happy. Glenn remembers but Maia and Dana don’t. Glenn didn’t mind, as long as they remembered their dad. But how could you forget that lovable doofus?

Warpmy surprised us when she remembered who we were upon reincarnation. I guess GrandCelesmy thought she earned it. Od cried for hours when Warpmy came back. They’re inseparable now.

Bunpopmy has really relaxed, and she even cut her hair. She’s dabbling in new genres of music, and told us she’s excited to try out punk. Ember isn’t so sure she’s any good at it, at least not yet. They get along much better nowadays.

Toastmy has her hands full tending to the newborn Drops, and acting as a mother to Maia and Dana. She’s very busy, but happy. She’ll never have to fight again.

We finally had that barbeque with Glenn. He was ecstatic, and the food was the best I’ve ever eaten.

As for Virusmy, she lives alongside me as she always has, although she’s frequently making dives into the Monmmy Network to help maintain it with Centracormy. The new Uplinkmy works for her now, if you can believe it! With her help we were able to finally patch that hole in her head, and she’s happy.

We aren’t always together, we’re both very busy.

But in a way, we always are together.

Her and I got to keep a form of the fused consciousness, although I’m not sure why. All I know is that, whenever I need her, even though she isn’t physically here, she talks to me.

Just like old times.

In this world, I have friends. I have love.

Maybe this world isn’t as magical as it could be.

But I’m okay with that.

Entelechmy, perhaps in one reality the 141st Monommy. Life class, Unknown type. This guide has ceased.
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