#009 – Abomimy

#008 - Magicimy
#010 - Macaromy
Abomimy, Monommy #009, a mom class chaos-type
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Anomalous Log Entry 012-A1: Personal Account of Emergence Witness

It was a cool summer evening when the sky tore open. I was at the park with my wife and kids. I was pushing my son on the swing, going higher and higher and hearing his laughter. When he swung back to me again I saw the ice crystals starting to form on the swing’s chains. A cold spray of tiny ice particles greeted my face as I pushed my son again. This startled me and I looked up, and that’s when I saw it.

The sky was torn open, and it was bleeding.

My wife turned to me and screamed something with tears in her eyes. All I could hear was static. The flash of sudden freezing cold was juxtaposed by the hot red rain that pored from the gaping wound in the sky.

M-my son… at the apex of his swing… he drifted up, and away. The static grew louder and louder until suddenly it was so quiet I could hear the blood flowing through my own veins.  I turned again to my wife and the colours of her presence had dissipated into the air. My daughter was nowhere to be seen.

I heard a scream belt out from within the gashed sky, and saw a crimson eye staring out through the blood. It saw the Earth, it stared at me, and I felt… calm.

I hate how calm I felt.

Anomalous Log Entry 012-A2: Personal Account of Emergence Bystander

Of course I remember! I was playing video games online with my friends when suddenly my roommate starts screaming from the other room. What you gotta understand about Dante, is that he’s a real quiet guy. Keeps to himself most of the time, likes binge watching stuff with his headphones on, y’know?

This was like, the second time I ever heard him yell. He’s screamin’ about the sky and my buddy in call asks me if he’s okay. So I get up and ask him what’s wrong, he turns to me and his mouth starts movin’, but all I hear is like… y’know that thing with old TVs when you left ’em on with no cable? That.

 I went to say ‘what the fuck’ but then… well… I saw the blood start to rain down. I look up, and… it was horrible, man. A bloody pulpy mess of gore just raining down on the city. I heard the TV sounds stop and turned to Dante, and the fear on his face was just gone. Looked totally normal.

I asked him if he was okay, and he said ‘yeah, I’m good.’ Freaked me the fuck out, man.

Anomalous Log Entry 012-A3: Personal Account of Emergence Witness

So many people running in, just absolutely drenched in blood. I thought there was some sort of terrorist attack or something going on. It was horrifying. Some people were freaking out, obviously, but others were so relaxed, like it was nothing. The blood raining from the sky was scary enough but seeing people standing calmly in it, like nothing was happening? That was downright horrifying. Of course, I didn’t know yet then.

I was almost angry at them for being so nonchalant when clearly something violent just went down. Ridiculous, now that I’m remembering it.

 An elderly woman collapsed outside and I rushed to her aide. That’s when I saw it. The bloody gash in the sky. The blood pouring from it. The eye.

That’s when I understood, and I was calm. It all made sense.

Oh, well that’s when I knew that change was coming, and that it’d be wonderful.

When I locked eyes with it, I just knew.

I just knew.

I just.. Felt it, okay?

I just knew.

I just knew.

I’m done with this interview now, thank you.

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