#017 – Unicomy

#016 - Phoenixmy
#018 - Pajamy
Unicomy, Monommy #017, a mother class arcane-type
Monommy Guide ERROR 2811. Attempting to reconnect…


Connection established. Secure channel has been established. You are speaking with M.

Hello? I told you that you had until the next entry to respond. It just went through. If I don’t receive a response within ten minutes then we’re officially done speaking and we will take your Dragomy permanently. Consider that a promise.

Thank you for opening the channel again. It has been a great benefit to the progress of the collective. We will see you soon.

Who am I speaking with?

You have received a five minute head start, Marcus Lane. Should you wish to live, we advise you begin the evacuation process for your building immediately.

I will not succumb to your threats and you will answer me immediately. I have guns trained on Dragomy and with one word they will open fire.

Two minutes.

Connection Terminated. Attempting to reconnect.


Connection Terminated. You are not connected to a network.


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