#018 – Pajamy

#017 - Unicomy
#019 - Scythemy
Pajamy, Monommy #018, a mommy class comfy-type
Multiple errors detected. Cyber-type Monommy has been contacted for assistance.

Pajamy, a mommy class comfy-type Monommy who’s always feeling sleepy. She possesses a special ability known as empathic sleep time, which allows her to instantly put to sleep anyone she so chooses. Pajamy is never seen without her pillow and brings a very relaxed atmosphere with her wherever she goes. Although most comfy types are generally relaxed and calm, Pajamy has been known to lock those who awaken her prematurely into an eternal slumber. She’s great for when you need to take a nap or have trouble sleeping, but watch out: get on her bad side and she could easily put you into a coma.

Or worse, if you tamper with this guide again. -U


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