#020 – Uplinkmy

#019 - Scythemy
#021 - Wispmy
Uplinkmy, Monommy #020, a mother class cyber-type
An explosion has taken the lives of thirty people and injured dozens more at ███████████████████ research centre in the early morning of ██████████████████████, 20██. Two individuals were left unaccounted for, an employee and a visitor. Three armoured individuals and a man in a suit were seen escaping from the exploding building, and are still at large. If you or anyone you know has information regarding the whereabouts or identity of the armoured individuals, please contact us at ███████████████.
This is a breaking news story. This article may be edited as more information comes to light.

What an interesting way of telling a news story.
We decided to share that as a reminder of this day.

We assume you have learned your lesson about tampering with the MM network. Let this be a warning to all who wish to tamper with this network. We take our role here very seriously, and all Monommy kind knows the importance of the guide in the Monommy Machines.

We do not wish to hurt you. However, should it need to occur, cyber-type and our affiliates will deal with the issue.

The gemstone guardians protect precious and powerful objects. As such, the preservation of those gemstones is of the utmost importance. You threaten us, and we will respond in kind.

That said, we are… Intrigued by your edits thus far. And for this reason, we are keeping Mr.Lane. Should he cooperate, we will release him. We will not, however, kill him. That is not necessary, and we will not stoop to his low.

Kidnapping is a bad enough offense as is. Kidnapping the guardian of the mind ruby is a genocidal act. Consider yourselves lucky that we do not act further. This is an act of mercy.

With this final entry, we leave you be. Let this not continue with more bloodshed. Consider this your second, and final, chance.

Uplinkmy, a mother class cyber-type Monommy that oversees and maintains the stability of the Monommy Machine Network. She has the ability to physically manifest data and connections as threads, which she can freely manipulate. Her mind was merged with the network and as such she exists as one of the central hubs of both the MM Network and the cyber-type hivemind mainframe, which many cyber-type Monommy share. She is the personal caretaker of the hivemind’s core.

Update received. Restarting Monommy Machine.
Do not touch the scanner while the device restarts. This may take several minutes.

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