#021 – Wispmy

#020 - Uplinkmy
#022 - Koolmy
Wispmy, Monommy #021, a mom class goth-type
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#018 – Wispmy
Wispmy, a mom class goth-type Monommy that is quite literally in multiple places at once. Wispmy can be found wherever one may feel more sadness than usual. Unlike most Monommy, Wispmy is not the only one of her kind, but rather has many bodies that traverse the air around areas of great sadness looking for humans and other Monommy to feed off of their emotions. Sadness, grief, and misery taste the best to them. This leaves her ‘victims’ feeling refreshed, like letting out a good cry. All of Wispmy’s bodies actually share the same mind, and as she gains in power, she splits off into more and more bodies. Her tears feel like a warm, tingly hug.

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