#022 – Koolmy

#021 - Wispmy
#023 - Lichmy
Koolmy, Monommy #022, a mama class radical-type
Koolmy, the “cool with a k” Monommy

#019 – Koolmy
Koolmy, a mama class radical-type Monommy. Everything Koolmy does is both tubular and groovy, awesome and radical, cool and kool. Koolmy’s powers allow her to affect the mental states of those around her, making them feel more confident and relaxed. She often appears before humans when they need a good pep talk. She also has the power to manifest glowing neon-like triangular symbols which levitate in the air and can support weights three thousand times their own. She often uses these energy triangles to fly around helping out whoever she thinks needs to be ‘just a little bit more kool’. Her radical-type catchphrase is “Muuuuch cooler.”

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