#023 – Lichmy

#022 - Koolmy
#024 - IceDemomy
Lichmy, Monommy #023, a mother class goth-type
Lichmy, the “lich” Monommy

#020 – Lichmy
Lichmy, a mother class goth-type Monommy that uses captured and resurrected souls to add to her body and powers. She’s capable of removing blobs of ghostly energy from the mass of ectoplasm surrounding her phylactery, and imbue them with power in the form of necromantic orders. The ghost globs she controls will do anything she says, including suffocating her enemies and sapping life energy. The more souls of the dead she collects, the stronger she becomes. Her thralls are capable of minor transmogrification, becoming new armour for her to wear. She was banished from arcane-type due to her dark arts being considered too extreme. She loves the sound of a human’s last breath.

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