#025 – Lashmy

#024 - IceDemomy
#026 - FlameDemomy
Lashmy, Monommy #025, a mama class chaos-type
Monommy Guide ERROR 2123-1502

herodude1095 – Grand Member – 1986 posts –

So I don’t normally make posts like this but given what’s happening in the world right now, well… I guess I’m a lifestyle blogger now lol.

Due to what happened last week, I can’t post any photos. Yes I know this makes me look sus as hell and makes it look like im lying for clout. I know ‘just trust me bro’ is dumb but… just trust me bro.

So I was helping my mom dig up the carrots we were growing In the backyard and I felt a raindrop on the back of my head. Whatever, its about to rain. I look up at the clouds to see if I need to grab my jacket yet and I see PRECIPIMY. Just making some clouds. She looked at me and said “sorry, its about to rain in a moment.” I just stood there with my jaw on the floor lmao. She made a weird face at me and flew off. Then it started pouring rain.

My mom was so confused lol.

“Never leave home without your MM” – electriKane

Anonymous124089 – New Member – 2 posts –

You didn’t see Precipimy you sad little man go outside for real this time


electriKane – Regular Member – 36 posts –

Nah man I live near him and I saw her too. Raining cats and dogs ever since.

Monomaster for four years and counting!

Anonymous124089 – New Member – 2 posts –

Cats and dogs?! She’s a nature-type how is she summoning animals??


electriKane – Regular Member – 36 posts –

|| Anonymous124089: Cats and dogs?! She’s a nature-type how is she summoning animals??

It’s a figure of speech -_-

Monomaster for four years and counting!

NatureNate – Seasoned Member – 125 posts –

Can we go back to how he’s claiming that Precipimy just came to his house?

naturally, nature

Retroast – Veteran Member – 352 posts –

Why is this hard to believe did you see the sky wound


DMs WILL be ignored!

Shoutout999 – Regular Member – 86 posts –

|| Retroast: Why is this hard to believe did you see the sky wound

Too soon man


Dynasty300 – Seasoned Member – 111 posts –

|| Retroast: Why is this hard to believe did you see the sky wound

Of course he didn’t see it he’s alive

its my birthday today

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 560 posts –

||| Retroast: Why is this hard to believe did you see the sky wound
|| Dynasty300: Of course he didn’t see it he’s alive

I saw it and I’m alive

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

VerifiedTristModerator – 1203 posts –

This should be in miscellaneous not news. Also, Retroast, Dynasty300, please consider others feelings. Retroast, we’ve talked about this several times. Official warning now. Leaving this open as an example to others.

Thread locked.

Tristine? more like pristine

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