#027 – UFOmy

#026 - FlameDemomy
#028 - Symmetmy
UFOmy, Monommy #027, a mom class radical-type
UFOmy, the “UFO” Monommy

#023 – UFOmy
UFOmy, a mom class radical-type Monommy that is rarely seen. She flies through the air with incredible speed and precision, baffling observers with her adept maneuverability. When she finds a human or Monommy she has a crush on, she’ll use her Attractor Beam ability to pull them in close, but once she’s abducted them, she usually grows flustered and panics before dropping her ‘victim’ off and apologizing. She’s very loving but also incredibly impulsive and shy. Her ray gun shoots beams of light that are capable of melting through solid metal. Her radical-type catch phrase is “out of this world!”

Okay I think the guide is done with the description, I waited a good five minutes and no more’s been added. I don’t wanna ruin the entry again like the last one.

This is weird though, I don’t remember the Monommy Guide ever being something you could edit.

I did get that error code earlier… Weird.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be breaking at all when I put my own additions, so I guess I could just add comments if I want!

UFOmy is really cute, I hope she gets over her shyness and is able to find happiness. I wonder how often she abducts people.

You think she’s cute?

I think so too.

This isn’t the guide updating, so you can talk to me!

Please talk to me?

I’m lonely.

Who are you?

Oh thank you for responding!! I’m… hmm. I don’t have a name!

Are you another monomaster?

Nope. Those are human, right? Pretty sure I’m not that.

Well if you can talk, you’re either human or a Monommy. So are you a Monommy, then?

Maybe? I could check.

Uh… okay, check then.

… I dunno how. I don’t think I have a body.

Well humans definitely always have those. I guess you’re a Monommy. How are you talking to me right now?

The same way you are, I think. Just talking.

This is confusing me… I wish it were more like a forum or chatroom


Is this better?


This is more like texting, but its much better, thank you!

How’d you do that anyways?


I just touched it and told it to be a chat, it’s easy.

What should I call you?

Come to think of it, what should I call me?


If you were able to just change something like that, plus the whole not having a body thing… Are you a cyber-type?

You can call me Kane. And if you don’t have a name, shouldn’t it be based on who you are or what you can do? You can change stuff in the Monommy Guide so…


like this! is this a good name?


no that’s stupid nevermind..

I can think of something for you if you’d like


I’d like that very much thank you!!

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