#029 – Rozermy

#028 - Symmetmy
#030 - Amalchemy
Rozermy, Monommy #029, a mom class nature-type
Rozermy, the “rose tiger” Monommy

#025 – Rozermy
Rozermy, a mom class nature-type Monommy that’s popular all around the world. She lives in the forest but is also known to spend time in human towns. She has a kind heart but fights ferociously when she needs to. When Rozermy is asleep, small rose bushes begin to grow around her.  Her tail can be swung around like a club, she’s able to shoot her thorns at foes at speeds of up to mach 2, and she can grow prehensile vines out of her petal sleeves. Her fangs are used to pierce the flesh of fish, her favourite food.



Still not back, huh?

Well let me know when you get back, I’m missing you.
Gonna talk to my human friends for now I guess..


I’m sorry, sometimes I just… stop


Welcome back! What do you mean by stop?


It’s like I just turn away from the MM and




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