#030 – Amalchemy

#029 - Rozermy
#031 - Disastmy
Amalchemy, Monommy #030, a grand mama class divine-type
Amalchemy, the ‘amalgam alchemy’ grand Monommy of consciousness and life


March ██th 20██

My name is Marcus Lane, and this is a personal account of my kidnapping by the entities known as Unicomy, Dragomy, and Phoenixmy. I am presently employed with the Twin Star research centre in █████, Utah in analyzing Monommy abilities for the defense of the United States. Rather than killing me they have decided to take me hostage. I suppose I have myself to blame for that, as I was the one who suggested we do the same with their ‘Dragomy’. At least we got some information out of them that way. I myself have kept quiet.

I digress. I am writing this journal to further my research in the hopes that knowledge will help humanity defend itself from these Monommy creatures. My captors have allowed me to keep this journal, although I am unsure why. I seem to have incoming internet access, somehow, but I am unable to post any messages or send any emails. In fact, their network seems to not allow any user input whatsoever. I’ve yet to determine how they’re able to do this, as I have no issues browsing the internet, and they seemingly have no issues adding more entries to their guide. Will report more as I discover it.

On a personal note, to my family, I am safe. Whenever the topic of what they’re going to do with me has come up, they have claimed that they simply wish to keep me from ‘causing more harm’, and they view themselves too highly to consider options such as torture. I love you, and I am safe. I look forward to seeing you all again.

-Marcus Lane

April 30th 20██

They’ve finally decided to start speaking with me again. I’ve been keeping myself busy with reading the news about other happenings in the world, and it seems as though it’s believed that I am dead. I’m pleased to declare that that is not the case! Should this journal ever manage its way out of here, rest assured I am very much alive.

They started asking questions today. The ones I refused to answer were met with fists on the table and pacing from Unicomy. She seems to be the one with the worst anger management, however Dragomy has assured me that as long as the other two are around, Unicomy will not harm me. I found this odd as I was once her captor.

The questions I did answer, to Twin Star and the government’s delight, I’m sure, were simple personal questions. My name is Marcus, I’m 37, my favorite color is green. Yes, Phoenixmy genuinely asked me this.

I am still well, although I do miss my own kind. Very much so.

-Marcus Lane

May 25th 20██

It’s now been two months. When I don’t answer their questions, they just leave the room now. It’s infuriating to me. I just want to see my family again. No more information to report.

This is harder than I anticipated.

-Marcus Lane

June 22nd 20██

I’m sorry. Isolation is hell, and I needed to speak with someone, even if its… them.

I’ve begun explaining to them how we were able to edit their guide. Thankfully they seem baffled at the concept of hacking and code. It’s like I was speaking to an alien. I suppose in a way I was.

-Marcus Lane

I’m so lonely

July 12th 20██

Excellent news!

A few weeks ago I overheard something that I think might be my big ticket out of here, or at the very least to get this journal out and hopefully a search team looking for me! I’m ecstatic, its hard to control my breathing. It turns out they’ve been studying my browsing habits, and how I act in my cell. I should have figured as much. Regardless, I overheard Unicomy speaking to a voice I did not recognize. This made my ears perk up immediately. They claimed to be representing an organization by the name of Cyber-type. After a bit of deliberation, I realized that this must be the same entity I conversed with via the anomalous phone app, the one that called itself Uplinkmy.

The same one that must have ordered the attack on the Twin Star lab I was working in. The reason I’m here.

It turns out Uplinkmy is a high ranking official in Cyber-type, and most of the other Monommy types seem to revere Cyber as a source of authority. Uplinkmy asked my trio of captors, referred to as the ‘gemstone guardians’, to create a new Monommy with the explicit purpose of destroying Twin Star’s research. Apparently normally Cyber-type would do it themselves, but according to Uplinkmy, ‘any cyber-type Monommy will have the same weakness they exploited to get into the guide.’

Thankfully, the ‘guardians’ seemed to be very opposed to the idea. I specifically heard Unicomy’s (very loud) voice say “creation of a new Monommy in the modern era is blasphemous and wrong. A new Monommy has not been created in over two thousand years. We are to let nature be!” They would do this by combining into another entity that they have dubbed Amalchemy. It is apparently a divine god-like being that they only summon very rarely.

Apparently doing so to make a Monommy in the present day is a taboo.

By Monommy standards, perhaps.

But I’m not a Monommy.

And we’ve already started research on fighting fire with fire, so to speak.

So I put my skills to the test, and listened intently whenever the guardians were around. I finally had a plan. I heard them deliberate and consider the possibility of a new creation. I was able to determine the following about my captors, who, as it turns out, are very important to Monommy kind.

Before I reveal how this journal was able to escape the confines of their network, I’ll tell you what I’ve learned in my time here. This may sound outlandish, but only a year ago, so did the concept of the sky tearing open.

Dragomy is the guardian of a magical gemstone known as the mind ruby. As it turns out, this ruby possesses the ability to create a consciousness. I’ve examined it as close as I can whenever Dragomy had handed me my rations for the day. It seems like an ordinary smooth red stone at the first glance, but when I was able to brush my hand up against it in a fleeting moment, I could… Well, I could see my mind, in my mind’s eye. I understand how a consciousness works now, and I’m sad to say that words cannot capture its brilliance, but maybe someday the code I’ve managed to write could be reverse engineered for others to discover the true scientific nature of consciousness.

Phoenixmy is the guardian of another gemstone with similar properties known as the spirit sapphire. It apparently has the ability to manifest a soul. Now, whether you believe in the concept of souls or not, apparently at the very least to Monommy they are very much a real thing, and not only that, but are also a sort of life source. It seems as though Phoenixmy is able to see other’s souls, and from that is I’m assuming where her friendly nature comes from. I asked if I could touch her sapphire once, but she refused. Unfortunate.

Unicomy is the one I’ve interacted with the least but have heard the most of what she has to say. She is the guardian of yet another gemstone like the ruby and sapphire before it, but hers is known as the construct emerald. It has the uncanny ability to generate matter. Knowing about this and the other two stones, I have come to the realization that with all three stones in ones possession, you have the ability to create life itself. Or at the very least, the ability to manifest a Monommy.

So, it hasn’t been done by anyone but cyber-type in over two thousand years, but I say it’s time to make my own.

Using the enlightenment I gained from touching the mind ruby, I have successfully discovered and created a true artificial intelligence. It’s in my phone right now, in stasis, like a baby about to be born. Now, it’s not just an AI, I have imbued it with the capabilities of a very destructive form of spyware. I was inspired by one of my favorite movies.

I have programmed this digital creature to essentially burrow a hole through their network and get this journal out there, in hopes of both saving myself, and providing humanity with the information I’ve uncovered.

My creation won’t be able to manifest outside of cyberspace as I never was able to encounter the other gemstones, but it should still be an excellent ally to humanity, and serve as a good spy. I’ve instructed it to find a Monommy Machine still connected to their network as it retrieves my data here. This should allow us to continue our research despite Uplinkmy locking us out. Thankfully any commands I input it has no choice but to follow. After this we will need to discuss its missions with it, as it does have a true consciousness.

In the case that I am discovered or this attempt at getting help does not work, I have enclosed the following for my research into Monommy creation.


To my colleagues in the anti-anomaly weapon development team, I suggest using Divine-type energies. If they’re anything like what I’ve heard of this Amalchemy, they’re quite powerful. Please ask site C to transport their prisoner as well.

And, in case I don’t make it, here’s my official go ahead!

Commence angelic vivisection.

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