#031 – Disastmy

#030 - Amalchemy
#032 - Virusmy
Disastmy, Monommy #031, a mother class brutal-type
Disastmy, the ‘disaster’ Monommy

#027 – Disastmy
Disastmy, a mother class brutal-type Monommy with a penchant for chaos. It’s unknown how she manages it, but she claims to be the cause of all unsolved disasters. Her favourite to cause is airplane crashes. It’s said that if you see a wrench where it shouldn’t be, you should cancel all travel plans because Disastmy has set her eyes on you. Brutal-type allows her to carry out her evil deeds due to being ‘metal as heck’. Most other Monommy types have her listed as one of the deadliest criminals known to Monommy and human kind.

Cybermy are you there? The guide just updated twice in a row and that last entry before this was scary. Do you know anything about it?

Cybermy please come back and update the current page I really want to talk with you


Hey sorry I was gone again


Blacked out again like the last four times?


Yeah… What were we talking about again? Sometimes I forget what happened before.


I’d say you should look back on our chat history but since it clears when we talk more…


Yeah… I still don’t know why


We were talking about how you could maybe help me get away from my dad


We were? I don’t remember that at all

Try to remind me?


I was telling you that he came home drunk again. Hit me… He threatened to smash my MM cause he hates how I’m “always looking at that girly shit”


Oh. I remember that now.

I’m so sorry Kane…


If I could come out of this machine and…. I dunno, bite him or something. You know I would, right?


I know.


and I’m sorry but I don’t remember what our plan to get you out of there was


It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re back

Cybermy, could you take a look at the last entry? Not Disastmy but the one before this. The entry is different. Did you change it?


Oh no

I didn’t change it


do you know a Marcus Lane?


I didn’t.

I’ll be back soon I need to look for something



Yknow I’m really thankful I have you and my friends online but I wish you all could be here.

Or me be there. Wherever there is, for you


I wish I could be

Kane, I just realized something and it’s not good


What is it? Are you okay?

Did I do something wrong?


You didn’t do anything wrong

and I don’t think I am okay.

I’m calling for help. Keep your Monommy Machine on.

Establishing Connection…

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