#033 – Rhymy

#032 - Virusmy
#034 - Djinnmy
Rhymy, Monommy #033, a mother class comfy-type
Rhymy, the ‘nursery rhyme’ Monommy

#028 – Rhymy

Rhymy, a mother class comfy-type Monommy with the ability to read any language. She uses this ability to read stories of all kinds, translating them on the fly, to young humans and Monommy alike. She is the only Monommy with the ability to write the divine tongue rather than only speak it. She used to be in divine-type but left to be with comfy-type, stating that their purely peaceful ways better assisted her talents in calming, educating, and spreading the stories of the land. Her favourite stories to tell are bedtime stories. When not reading stories to willing listeners, she talks only in rhyme. She is highly regarded in comfy-type as great for slumber parties.


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