#037 – Arachnimy

#036 - Velocimy
#038 - Dronemy
Arachnimy, Monommy #037, a mama class goth-type
Arachnimy, the ‘arachnid’ Monommy

Sky Wound Incidents (This article is about the series of disasters. For the transformation process, see Sky Wound Syndrome)

This article is about a currently occurring series of events and as such is subject to frequent and sudden change.

Sky Wound Incidents, also called simply Sky Wounds and colloquially known as ‘Sky Gashes’, are an anomalous phenomenon in which parts of the Earth’s sky appears to tear open like a flesh wound. A blood-like substance currently unknown to science pours from the wound like hot rainfall, covering everything underneath it with a thick deluge of blood. Sky Wounds are notable for their sudden undetectable appearances and being unknown to science, although urgent research is being conducted. They are also notable for leaving smaller anomalous phenomena in their wake, such as Sky Wound Syndrome and Vacuum Pockets, as well as their high body count. (citation needed)

As of ██████ ██th 20██, two known instances of Sky Wounds have occurred, both in the northern hemisphere.

First Incident
The Sky first tore open at roughly █:██pm on the ██th of ████ 20██, over the state of █████████████, ██████ ██████. Number of deaths are unconfirmed but are assumed to be in the tens of thousands, with many citizens still unaccounted for. The wound itself opened slowly over the city of ██████, expanding to a massive size and covering the land below it in just over █ inches of blood. (citation needed)

It is unknown how many individuals were afflicted with Sky Wound Syndrome upon looking at the Sky Wound. It should be noted that not all individuals who witnessed the incident were afflicted with SWS, and that some even felt calm and happy upon looking at the beautiful wound. (citation needed)

An investigation has been launched by Twin Star Laboratories to interview and research those who both witnessed the event and survived. It is still ongoing.

Second Incident
The Sky tore open again at ██:██am on ██████ ██th over █████, ██████ ███████. Very little has been disclosed about this event due to its recency. (citation needed)

Early reports are minimal, with most looking to social media for more information. (citation needed)

The tear was through the moon, and He gazed at us once more (citation needed) ((marked for removal))

It is safe and good to look at our wounds ((marked for removal))


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