#038 – Dronemy

#037 - Arachnimy
#039 - Ballistimy
Dronemy, Monommy #038, a mama class cyber-type
Dronemy, the “drone” Monommy

Attention Monomasters:

Dronemy units have been officially dispatched to all known Monommy Machine users whose guides have been displaying incorrect information. Our investigation is still ongoing, but we have made progress in determining the cause. All cyber-type Monommy and any humans found tampering with the affected devices will be investigated until the culprit is found. This process may take some time as we have a limited number of Dronemy units to work with, so please be patient with the process.

To assure and affirm your safety as Monomasters, researchers, and partnered Monommy, we are displaying the entry for Dronemy in advance so you know what to expect when a Dronemy unit arrives in your presence. There is nothing to fear, Dronemy units are completely harmless unless attacked.

Additionally, as a defensive measure due to recent political developments, the entries for all -Mothmy designated Monommy have been locked out. You may notice an offset in the entry numbers until this data embargo is lifted, after which all -Mothmy designated Monommy encounters will once again register properly.

Thank you for your cooperation, and as always, safe travels!

#040 – Dronemy

Dronemy, a mama class cyber-type Monommy. Unlike most Monommy, Dronemy is not the only one of her kind. Produced by cyber-type and used primarily when Uplinkmy needs to remain in cyberspace, Dronemy units are mindless shells with nearly-indestructible bodies that Uplinkmy can remotely control from anywhere in the world. The symbols in Uplinkmy’s eyes appear in the Dronemy unit’s visor when she is in control, otherwise they are blank and the unit mindlessly follows her programmed orders. Uplinkmy is capable of fully controlling the body of a Dronemy unit to manipulate objects in physical space, as well as speak through its mouth and open physical-cyber convergence fields. When a Dronemy unit is not following an order or being possessed by Uplinkmy, it wanders around, floating from place to place and asking questions to any humans it comes across. These questions can range anywhere from “where am I?” to “do I have a soul?”

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