#039 – Ballistimy

#038 - Dronemy
#040 - CRTmy
Ballistimy, Monommy #039, a mommy class cyber-type
Ballistimy, the “ballistics” Monommy

#041 – Ballistimy

Ballistimy, a mommy class cyber-type Monommy with a body heavily modified by cybernetic enhancements. Before her implants, Ballistimy was a member of brutal-type, and her primary method of attack was projectile weapons that she would build herself. Ever seeking more powerful guns, she turned to cyber type so they could vastly improve her firepower and accuracy. In exchange for her powerful upgrades, she joined cyber-type as a guard of the server city. Her limbs fire super-condensed bullets of molten nickel at an incredibly fast fire rate. She’s able to shred apart fortified vehicles in an instant. Ballistimy can also be easily modified to fire other things at gentler rates, like when she occasionally shoots bubbles for children to enjoy. Originally being an outsider, she is not connected to the cyber-type hivemind.

Transmission Intercepted.

Command-C (08:37.35): Retreat if you have to, I don’t care what HQ says, it’s not worth dying for.

Command-C (08:44.46) : You guys alright out there?

Field (08:46.04) : Hey. The thing stopped attacking as soon as its eye vanished. We’ve got it now. On the way to Site C.

Command-C (08:46.52) : Any casualties?

Field (08:48.21) : Johnson is injured but he’ll be alright. We kept our distance.

Command-C (08:49.38) : Happy to hear he’s alright, see you soon

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