#046 – Laceramy

#045 - Decollamy
#047 - PlushArctomy
Laceramy, Monommy #046, a mother class brutal-type
Laceramy, the “laceration” Monommy

#047 – Laceramy

Laceramy, a mother class brutal-type Monommy that grows razor sharp blades from nearly every one of her body parts. She is known for her violent tendencies and incredible combat prowess. There are very few Monommy in Brutal-type who do not look up to her. Monommy and Monomasters alike know and fear her. Despite her reputation, she is known to take a lot of time staring off into space, pondering life, and meditating. When she is angry, it is said that all life around her ceases. Victims of Laceramy’s rage often take the appearance of a red mist shortly before their sliced up bones hit the ground. She is a stoic warrior and is greatly respected among all Monommy types.

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