#047 – PlushArctomy

#046 - Laceramy
#048 - Radiamy
PlushArctomy, Monommy #047, a mama class comfy-type
PlushArctomy, the “plushie ursus arctos” Monommy

Monommy Guide ERROR 2123-1502

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 582 posts –

This is perfect cause I was just the other day thinking about how I wanted to write one of these posts on here and then it finally happened last night! I pacted with Laceramy last night and we’re the best of friends now, it’s like a dream come true

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

Gyro985 – New member – 9 posts –

How did you meet her? Where? Why did you decide to pact and so soon?

I have a million questions lol


NatureNate – Seasoned Member – 127 posts –

I hate to be ‘that guy’ but pics or it didn’t happen

MODERATOR EDIT: this board is for certified Monomasters, all new threads are created by certified Monomasters. Proof has been given to the moderation team already.
naturally, nature

homeiswherehereyesare – Regular Member – 29 posts –

Your first Monommy to get a Drop from, AND she pacted with you, AND she’s an insanely powerful one, too? You’re the luckiest person I’ve ever met, congrats! You’ll have to let us know how her powers affect you.

its not “here yes are”

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 582 posts –

||Gyro985: How did you meet her? Where? Why did you decide to pact and so soon? I have a million questions lol

I met her when I was out for an orthodontist appointment, she was on the side of the road watching the cars go by and I recognized her and ran up to her cause I wanted to get her autograph at the very least. I don’t want to get doxxed so I won’t say where

||homeiswherehereyesare: Your first Monommy to get a Drop from, AND she pacted with you, AND she’s an insanely powerful one, too? You’re the luckiest person I’ve ever met, congrats! You’ll have to let us know how her powers affect you.

I will! I’m super excited to train with her we’re gonna head out tomorrow

||NatureNate: I hate to be ‘that guy’ but pics or it didn’t happen

I’ll upload pics as soon as my internet is working again

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

UnraveledMystery – Regular Member – 24 posts –

Amazing technology nowadays, doesn’t even need an internet connection to connect to the internet. Is Uplinkmy your ISP?


XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 582 posts –

||UnraveledMystery: Amazing technology nowadays, doesn’t even need an internet connection to connect to the internet. Is Uplinkmy your ISP?

I meant on my phone, sorry

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

LeapingWicks – Seasoned Member – 126 posts –

Why would a brutal-type just be hanging out by the side of the road? and pact with you immediately? I call bullshit.

hey whats up? gonna cry? me too.

homeiswherehereyesare – Regular Member – 29 posts –

||XxGloomChorusxX: I will! I’m super excited to train with her we’re gonna head out tomorrow

That’s really cool! I hope I can pact with a Monommy someday, any Monommy would be amazing

its not “here yes are”

Dynasty300 – Seasoned Member – 121 posts –

OP didn’t answer why Laceramy would pact with her. Why so soon and why would a mother class pact with a Monomaster who has no experience??

please stop DMing me happy birthday

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 582 posts –

I know it sounds sus guys, I’m sorry. It’s true though.

||LeapingWicks: Why would a brutal-type just be hanging out by the side of the road? and pact with you immediately? I call bullshit.

She was meditating. She said I had great potential and she likes my style. I’ve been told I’m kind of a bitch so I guess that’s why a brutal-type chose me lol

||Dynasty300: OP didn’t answer why Laceramy would pact with her. Why so soon and why would a mother class pact with a Monomaster who has no experience??

We talked for a while and she said I was the first human to approach her that wasn’t afraid of her and she respected that. I mentioned that I wanted to be a monomaster and it would be so cool if she pacted with me and she said I seemed cool too so we pacted.

I was thinking of doing an AMA with her soon if anybody would be interested. She can’t type on my phone cause of her claws so I’ll have to just type for her!

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

ToastmySnuggles – Grand Member – 2081 posts –

Sent you a DM, Gloom. hmu asap

I have no life send me your Monommy experiences

Retroast – Veteran Member – 380 posts –

OP is such a fucking liar. I bet you told her a really funny joke and everybody on the bus laughed, eh? Fucking waste of space. Of all the Monommy to fake getting pacted with, you pick LACERAMY??? At least go with a weak Monommy like Macaromy or some shit. You fucking idiot how is anyone believing you. I should post saying I pacted with a Grand at this rate


Apparently I’m a perfect example

VerifiedTristModerator – 1283 posts –

Retroast I’ve warned you time and time again. This board is for certified Monomasters, Gloom is telling the truth, and you shouldn’t treat people like such a jerk. I’m putting my foot down. I’m not putting up with it anymore.

Tristine? more like pristine

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 582 posts –

Thanks Tristy
aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

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