#049 – Mermaimy

#048 - Radiamy
#050 - Mienmy
Mermaimy, Monommy #049, a mommy class nature-type
Mermaimy, the “mermaid” Monommy

#050 – Mermaimy

Mermaimy, a mommy class nature-type Monommy that lives deep underneath the sea. She has the ability to manipulate wate

Re: [Confirmed Pact] Laceramy
Participants: XxGloomChorusxX, PLACEHOLDER_USER


Hello, Ms. Catherine Hase. This is the Monommy Uplinkmy.

You have been located at 4642 Weather Ave, Oak Falls, Saskatchewan. To ensure your safety, I will be sending a Dronemy unit within the hour. It will perform a diagnostic checkup on your Monommy Machine to ensure the latest update is working. I ask you to please cooperate with the unit, and have your Laceramy stand down.

It is perfectly safe, so just do as the Dronemy unit says.

Thank you for your cooperation

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 586 posts –

I don’t have a Monommy Machine don’t send it

Who are you How do you know my name and address

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 586 posts –

I don’t have a monommy I lied Im sorry please dont come here

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 586 posts –

please leave me alone

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

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