#050 – Mienmy

#049 - Mermaimy
#051 - SeraphMothmy
Mienmy, Monommy #050, a mama class goth-type
Mienmy, the “mien” Monommy

(1) New Message – ToastmySnuggles Re: [Confirmed Pact] Laceramy | “Don’t go…”

XxGloomChorusxX – Veteran Member – 587 posts –

I’m sorry I lied about Laceramy, I was never partnered with her and I shouldn’t have said I was. It was just that I kept hearing these awesome stories of people pacting with monommy and getting to live my dream, and I guess I wanted that too. I shouldn’t have lied about it, and I’m sorry about that. Sorry to Retroast for getting him banned too but fuck that guy anyways

You know whats worse than being banned from the boards? Hearing your mom screaming as a monommy rips the front door off of its hinges, then being attacked by that same monommy.

I know I lied and that you guys probably don’t want to believe me. Im going to share the rest of my story here anyways but if theres one thing you should take from this to be the truth its that I want to warn you if you get a dm that says its from uplinkmy, it isnt, its from some evil company. Uplinkmy wouldn’t message you

Okay so heres what happened to me

I was dm’d on this very website from someone who said they were uplinkmy and they said they had my address and name and wanted to update my monommy machine. I have never owned a monommy machine they were always too expensive. They also told me to make Laceramy stand down, and… well, I’m not pacted with Laceramy. At the time I wasn’t pacted with any monommy, I didn’t even have any drops.

So this dronemy


Hi, I’m Mienmy. Both Catherine and I were kidnapped and detained by an organization called Twin Star. How they managed to highjack a Dronemy unit is beyond me, but that’s how they subdued both of us. Catherine seems to have fallen asleep typing up her… Report. But I think it’d be better coming from me. I’m using her phone to type this out to all of you as a warning, and to share our story. Although she and I are both safe now, it was due to simple happenstance that we managed to escape together. I’m going to ask Catherine that she leave these boards after I post this and she wakes up, but I wanted to leave a detailed warning in case any other kids want to publicly announce that they’re Monomasters, real or no.

Catherine posted about being pacted with Laceramy because she was feeling left out and envious of those who were actually pacting with Monommy. This led to attention and a lot of it, which I’m sure she enjoyed. We’re a lot alike in that way. Unfortunately with that, someone from Twin Star saw what she was claiming and decided to investigate in an attempt to detain Laceramy and get information out of the both of them. After they kidnapped Catherine out of her home, they werent exactly understanding when Laceramy was nowhere to be found. They were paranoid that a powerful Monommy would attack at any moment to save her monomaster. But that never happened and as the days went on they began to realize that she was of less use to them than they had hoped.

I listened to them… Hurt her. And yell. And ask all sorts of strange questions. I had been through all of this before so I knew to keep my mouth shut. But that’s the issue with them. When you stop giving them answers, they just… Leave. They’ll bring you food and give it to you silently, but that’s the only interaction you’ll get. The loneliness is horrible.

I started to feel really bad for this girl. Every day I’d hear her crying to herself. I wish I said something sooner but I was scared too. All she wanted was a Monommy partner. All she wanted was to have some attention for something she thought was cool, and she was locked up just as I was. Eventually she stopped giving them answers, and they stopped coming by to ask them. I heard her crying one day and I decided to take a chance on her, so I finally spoke.

I told her I had been listening for days, and that she wasn’t alone. At first she was upset I didn’t say anything right away, but her tune changed when I produced a drop and sent it to the next cell over. She made an adorable squeal when she saw it, and she embraced it immediately. It was so warm. So loving. I officially let her keep the drop right then, I felt so… Accepted.

She was beyond excited to discover I was a Monommy. I told her who I am and how I got there, and it turned out our stories were similar. I had been masquerading as FlameDemomy when I was captured. I remember the soldiers who detained me were surprised I didn’t put up as much of a fight as my ‘sister’ and once they threw me in the cell I panicked and accidentally made eye contact with the guard. They were shocked when I suddenly changed back into… Well, me. I was there for weeks before they threw Catherine in the cell next to mine.

To my surprise, Catherine had actually heard of me before. I thought this was really weird because as far as I know, I’m not even well known among goth-types, and here’s a human who knows all my abilities and my name before I even tell her. Before she even sees me. All she has is my drop.

Then she tells me she has a plan to escape. I have no idea what she means, and she suggests that we pact. I was shocked by the proposal of pacting so soon after having just officially met, but I had grown fond of her since she arrived at that prison.

She tells me of her plan to pact with me so we can both shapeshift. I never considered what it’d be like for a human to pact with me, but here she was detailing her plan as if it was common knowledge.

Thankfully she had a soul sync ring she kept on a necklace on her. I heard humans get their rings when they obtain their first drop so I was shocked to find out she somehow already had one. But her plan made sense to me, so I took a chance and decided to pact with her. Not a decision that comes lightly, you only pact once after all. But I’m glad I did it. We escaped and we have a bright future now.

We got lucky. Our cells were next to each other and my powers along with her guidance led to us escaping. I want to be clear that this will not be the norm for you if you’re kidnapped by Twin Star. If you get a message on these boards from someone claiming to be Uplinkmy, run away asap. You won’t happen upon me like she did. You won’t get to pact. You won’t even get a drop. You’re not even likely to see a Monommy or even another human if you’re captured by these people. She’s lucky to be alive and free and so am I. Please think twice before telling everyone in the world that you’re a monomaster. It’s dangerous with the world the way it is right now. You’ve been warned. Please keep yourselves safe.

As for Twin Star, leave these children alone. There’s nothing to be gained from kidnapping and torture. Rest assured if you mess with the wrong Monommy, you’ll get hurt. We all know about your encounter with the gemstone guardians. Youre a threat to Monommy and monomaster both, and it’s time that was made known to the public.

I’m going to lock this thread from Catherine’s other account. We won’t be posting here again.

aim to feel like a cup of hot chocolate! everybody loves those!

VerifiedTristModerator – 1284 posts –

Locking the thread as I said. Be safe, Monomasters.

Thread locked.

Tristine? more like pristine

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