#051 – SeraphMothmy

#050 - Mienmy
#052 - NecroMothmy
SeraphMothmy, Monommy #051, a mom class divine-type
SeraphMothmy, the “seraphim moth” Monommy

Anybody else with one of these things sick of all the hacking and redactions? I know sometimes input from other users comes in. It’s ridiculous, I just want to learn more about these creatures. Well I’ve decided to hell with whoever Twin Star is, *and* to hell with Uplinkmy. I think a mass leak is in order, don’t you agree? – C



Divine-type is one of the nine types of Monommy, whose members typically have domain over or are closely associated with light, holy magic, order, and the cosmos. Divine-type originated from the Overworld.

Their Nurture Aspect is Harmony, and their attribute is Light.  The core values that Divine-type upholds are responsibility, hope, mercy, and justice. Its sister type is Goth-type.
Alongside Goth-type, they are the oldest known Type of Monommy. In the past they have also been known as Light-type and Over-type, but have since permanently agreed on the name Divine-type.

Divine-type is mostly overseen by The Holy Knights, but all Divine-type Monommy are considered equals, below the Grands of course. It is said that all Divine-type Monommy have holy blessings and protections bestowed upon their hearts. They share a desire to protect humanity and Monommy alike. Any Monommy that are pure of heart are welcome in Divine-type.

To represent Divine-type, SeraphMothmy is their designated diplomat.

#031 – SeraphMothmy

SeraphMothmy, a mom class divine-type Monommy and the diplomat of Divine-type. SeraphMothmy spends her free time watching over the world from the night sky, swooping down to investigate whenever something interesting catches her curious eye. She views the world as a thing of beauty.

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