#052 – NecroMothmy

#051 - SeraphMothmy
#053 - EverMothmy
NecroMothmy, Monommy #052, a mom class goth-type
NecroMothmy, the “necromancer moth” Monommy



Goth-type is one of the nine types of Monommy, whose members typically have domain over or are closely associated with darkness, death, the paranormal, and the occult. Goth-type originated from the Underworld.

Their Nurture Aspect is Identity, and their attribute is Dark. The core values that Goth-type upholds are individuality, expression, truth, and freedom. Its sister type is Divine-type.

Alongside Divine-type, they are the oldest known Type of Monommy. In the past they have also been known as Shadow-type and Under-type, but have since permanently agreed on the name Goth-type.

Goth-type has no systems of hierarchy or leadership, seeing all Monommy as equal. They keep a stable system of anarchy where they take care of one another as the need arises, but usually keep to themselves. Goth-type Monommy who choose to be solitary all the time are welcome to do so, and will still be considered part of the Goth-type community. It is a common misconception that most Goth-types are cold and unfeeling, in reality they’re as diverse as any other Type. Any Monommy that embraces the dark is welcome in Goth-type.

To represent Goth-type, NecroMothmy is their designated diplomat.

#032 – NecroMothmy

NecroMothmy, a mom class goth-type Monommy and the diplomat of Goth-type. NecroMothmy is often considered reserved and silent, but when around the other diplomat Monommy, or her other friends, she never stops talking about the things she’s passionate about. (Mostly necromancy and shadow magic.)

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