#053 – EverMothmy

#052 - NecroMothmy
#054 - VibraMothmy
EverMothmy, Monommy #053, a mom class nature-type
EverMothmy, the “evergreen moth” Monommy



Nature-type is one of the nine types of Monommy, whose members typically have domain over or are closely associated with plantlife, water, and air. Nature-type originated from Life Springs.

Their Nurture Aspect is Health, and their attribute is Light. The core values that Nature-type upholds are serenity, growth, sincerity, and instinct. Its sister type is Elemental-type.

Nature-type has existed for thousands of years, and was part of the Energy-type before it split. Nature took the life-giving and flowing aspects of water, in the form of liquid water and vapor, after the Energy-type civil war.

Nature-type holds the value of the world around them with high regard, especially to all things that give or have life. Nature-type Monommy protect nature and the environment or are otherwise intertwined directly in it, both manipulating and becoming mother nature itself. They believe in unity with the world around them, and being connected with nature. It is said that being in the presence of a Nature-type Monommy is a sign of good luck. Any Monommy that are part of or greatly respect nature are welcome in Nature-type.

To represent Nature-type, EverMothmy is their designated diplomat.

#033 – EverMothmy

EverMothmy, a mom class nature-type Monommy and the diplomat of Nature-type. EverMothmy wields the elemental magic channeling staff of VibraMothmy, which was gifted to her as a symbol of Nature-type and Elemental-type coming together in peace, and forgiveness for past conflicts. EverMothmy has a carefree attitude and when not acting as diplomat, she dashes through forests and across lakes with beauty and grace.

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