#054 – VibraMothmy

#053 - EverMothmy
#055 - CuddleMothmy
VibraMothmy, Monommy #054, a mom class elemental-type
VibraMothmy, the “vibration moth” Monommy



Elemental-type is one of the nine types of Monommy, whose members typically have domain over or are closely associated with fire, ice, electricity, sound, and earth. Elemental-type originated from the Echo Caves.

Their Nurture Aspect is Experience, and their attribute is Dark. The core values that Elemental-type upholds are adaptability, boldness, perseverence, and discipline. It’s sister type is Nature-type.

Elemental-type has existed for thousands of years, and was part of the Energy-type before it split. Elemental took the battle property and practicality of water, in the form of ice, after the Energy-type civil war.

Elemental-type believes that the energies of the world are meant to be utilized to their ultimate potential, and that forces such as electricity and fire are to be both respected and tamed. To them, to achieve enlightenment is to gain control over the very elements themselves, and that Monommy and humans are meant to rule over the forces of the world and achieve greatness using the energy around them. Elemental-type Monommy that show great knowledge and ability with manipulating the forces around them are revered for their talents. Elemental-type is the most popular type among humans, with many Monomasters having Elemental-type drops.

To represent Elemental-type, VibraMothmy is their designated diplomat.

#034 – VibraMothmy

VibraMothmy, a mom class elemental-type Monommy and the diplomat of Elemental-type. VibraMothmy wields the natural magic channeling staff of EverMothmy, which was gifted to her as a symbol of Elemental-type and Nature-type coming together in peace, and forgiveness for past conflicts. VibraMothmy is quiet and reserved, but possesses great power. Using a technique she invented, vibration magic, she is capable of skillfully manipulating multiple elements at once, a feat very rare among elemental-types.

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