#056 – RazorMothmy

#055 - CuddleMothmy
#057 - SorcerMothmy
RazorMothmy, Monommy #056, a mom class brutal-type
RazorMothmy, the “razor moth” Monommy



Brutal-type is one of the nine types of Monommy, whose members typically have domain over or are closely associated with violence, combat, power, and metal. Brutal-type originated from the Isle of Glory.

Their Nurture Aspect is Strength, and their attribute is Dark. The core values that Brutal-type upholds are courage, glory, honesty, and dedication. Its sister type is Comfy-type.

Brutal-type has existed for thousands of years, and frequently fought both alongside and against humanity in many conflicts and wars. After many years, they eventually decided it was better to focus their efforts on growing stronger, and ceased their warring ways… for the most part.

Brutal-type is not for the faint of heart. They fight nearly constantly, for they live for the glory of combat. To rejoice after a well fought battle is the sweetest of ambrosia to these Monommy. It’s said that you should never tell a Brutal-type Monommy what to do unless you either have her drop, or you’re stronger than her. For this reason, Brutal-type is organized on a strength based hierarchy that changes almost daily. Whichever Monommy is deemed the strongest on this day is the Monommy that all other Brutal-types must obey. To impress a Brutal-type as a human is to impress the giant of the shoulder you stand upon. To be in Brutal-type, you must be metal.

To represent Brutal-type, RazorMothmy is their designated diplomat.

#036 – RazorMothmy

RazorMothmy, a mom class brutal-type Monommy and the diplomat of Brutal-type. RazorMothmy’s punches can level entire city blocks, and her incredibly sharp wings can slice through anything. Unlike the other Monommy Type diplomats, RazorMothmy was not given the role upon birth. She had to earn it, by fighting every single Monommy that stood on the Isle of Glory that day. When the dust settled, RazorMothmy reigned supreme.

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