#058 – SyntheMothmy

#057 - SorcerMothmy
#059 - HypnoMothmy
SyntheMothmy, Monommy #058, a mom class cyber-type
SyntheMothmy, the “synthetic moth” Monommy



Cyber-type is one of the nine types of Monommy, whose members typically have domain over or are closely associated with technology, AI, cyberspace, robotics, cybernetics, computers, and programs. Cyber-type originated from Cyberspace.

Their Nurture Aspect is Advancement, and their attribute is Neutral. The core values that Cyber-type upholds are unity, evolution, integrity, and purpose. Its sister type is Arcane-type.

Cyber-type has existed for hundreds of years, and has changed identities several times to fit their goals and aspirations before finally permanently settling on Cyber. Its most prominent name before Cyber was Tech-type.

Cyber-type Monommy can be categorized in two ways: digital and physical. Digital Monommy are beings that were manifested entirely in code in cyberspace. Not all digital Monommy are capable of it, but many can use an advanced form of technomancy to summon forth a portal called a physical-cyber convergence field, which allows digital beings to manifest in the real world. Physical Cyber-type Monommy on the other hand are Monommy born or built in the real world, usually having some form of biological component to them. Cyber-type is also composed of two factions, as all cyber-type Monommy have the option to join the Cyber-type hivemind. The hivemind allows all Monommy and machines connected to it to share thoughts, as well as to use others’ minds to further supplement their own. Monommy who wish to remain separate from the hivemind are generally less connected to the rest of the Type, but retain more of their individuality. Cyber-type is run very efficiently by the higher ranking members of its society, all of whom are connected to the hivemind. Cyber-type is the only current Type who continues to create new Monommy, although the process is closer to building than creation magic.

To represent Cyber-type, SyntheMothmy is their designated diplomat.

#038 – SyntheMothmy

SyntheMothmy, a mom class cyber-type Monommy and the diplomat of Cyber-type. SyntheMothmy is the only one of the diplomats to be built rather than created by Amalchemy. She has both a physical and a digital body, and swaps her consciousness between the two whenever its needed. She spends her free time in the planet’s orbit, flying around and collecting data for Cyber-type. She is not connected to the Cyber-type hivemind as this would defeat the purpose of the diplomats’ confidential meetings.

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