#060 – Celesmy

#059 - HypnoMothmy
#061 - Sunflowmy
Celesmy, Monommy #060, a mom class goth-type
Celesmy, the “celestial” Monommy

#001 – Celesmy

Celesmy, a mom class divine-type Monommy known for traversing the starways and granting wishes. In her light form, she is capable of granting any wish a lucky person can think up, with just two rules: you can’t wish more than once, and you can’t wish for something somebody has already wished for. She uses ancient light magic to manifest wishes into reality. Her power also allows her to manipulate stars and other celestial bodies. Her light form’s special attack, Supernova Star Shot, is just as beautiful as it is powerful.

In her dark form, Celesmy becomes a mom class goth-type Monommy. She is capable of undoing any wish, with only one rule: you can only undo one wish. She uses ancient dark magic to undo that which has been made true. Her power also allows her to freely manipulate space. Her dark form’s special attack, Undone Singularity, is said to devastate its target both physically and emotionally.

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