#061 – Sunflowmy

#060 - Celesmy
#062 - Wyvermy
Sunflowmy, Monommy #061, a mommy class nature-type
Sunflowmy, the “sunflower” Monommy

#052 – Sunflowmy

Sunflowmy, a mommy class nature-type Monommy and a master of photosynthmancy. She uses her ability to convert sunlight into magical energy and back again. By doing so, she can make withered plants healthy again in an instant. A natural healer, Sunflowmy is just as magically gifted as she is kind and gentle. She has a rivalry with Precipimy, as they frequently get into arguments about the weather. Ultimately though, both Sunflowmy and Precipimy know that rainy days and sunny days must coexist, and its rumoured that they’re a lot friendlier to one another when alone.

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