#062 – Wyvermy

#061 - Sunflowmy
#063 - Bunpopmy
Wyvermy, Monommy #062, a mother class brutal-type
Wyvermy, the “wyvern” Monommy

#053 – Wyvermy

Wyvermy, a mother class brutal-type Monommy and the terror of the skies. Her draconic appearance befits her actions, as she hoards vast amounts of treasure and gold in her lair deep in the Isle of Glory’s mighty mountains. Her hardened scaly skin is nigh-impenetrable and she’s able to fire powerful blasts of flame from her mouth. Despite her fearsome reputation, she’s been known to be a bit lazy, often slumbering for multiple days. In ancient times she was feared for her oppressive rule over the Isle, but nowadays she tends to keep to herself.

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