#063 – Bunpopmy

#062 - Wyvermy
#064 - Hedromy
Bunpopmy, Monommy #063, a mommy class elemental-type
Bunpopmy, the “bunny popstar” Monommy

#054 – Bunpopmy

Bunpopmy, a mommy class elemental-type Monommy and world renowned popstar. She has the ability to turn any sound into pure energy, blasting powerful pulses from the rabbit ear-like speakers on top of her head. She loves to sing and dance and her music is widely loved by Monommy of all types, as well as some humans. Her music can heal with the power of a soothing melody or harm with intense power ballads. Her screams are by far her most powerful attack, but she prefers pop rather than screamo. Bunpopmy has a very bubbly personality and is quite the ‘girly girl’.

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