#066 – Mimicrymy

#065 - Icezermy
#067 - Cactmy
Mimicrymy, Monommy #066, a mama class arcane-type
Mimicrymy, the “mimicry” Monommy

#055 – Mimicrymy

Mimicrymy, a mama class arcane-type Monommy. She hides in any place where monomasters might explore, in hopes that they’ll fall for her tricks, and peer inside… Mimicrymy may appear to be a treasure chest, but she’s actually a very powerful Monommy with the ability to lure unsuspecting monomasters in with many sought after items. She offers anything an aspiring monomaster might desire, be it in the form of essle coins, or valuable items such as soul sync rings, Monommy Machines, and even Drops. She’s able to manifest these illusions at will, as she is very skilled in illusory magic, sometimes even hiding genuine treasure chests nearby her to prevent comparison. The only non-illusion items in her chest are her own drops, although she offers illusory drops of many kinds. If a monomaster looks inside and chooses only her drop, she will entrust it to them, allowing her to be summoned at any time. Despite the trickery and illusions, she really does enjoy shiny objects, and will grow affectionate with anyone who gives her some. Mimicrymy likes to pop out and surprise her friends with hugs. But beware, this Monommy does bite.

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