#067 – Cactmy

#066 - Mimicrymy
#068 - Chromoxmy
Cactmy, Monommy #067, a mommy class nature-type
Cactmy, the “cactus” Monommy

#056 – Cactmy

Cactmy, a mommy class nature-type Monommy who defected from Brutal-type the day she first received a hug. She’s a powerful warrior with a no-nonsense attitude, painful sharp spikes, and rippling muscles, but on the inside she’s very sweet and kind. She defends the more peaceful members of Nature-type with righteous determination. Unfortunately for Cactmy, her spikes are not retractable, and due to this she’s gained the reputation of being dangerous to be around. Cactmy grows attached to those who wish to spend time with her very quickly, and she’s incredibly loyal. They say she also possesses the ability to speak to cacti, but no cactus has ever confirmed this.

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