#068 – Chromoxmy

#067 - Cactmy
#069 - Scarecromy
Chromoxmy, Monommy #068, a mom class radical-type
Chromoxmy, the “chromatic fox” Monommy

#057 – Chromoxmy

Chromoxmy, a mom class radical-type Monommy with the ability to perform a unique type of magic known as colourmancy. This magic allows her to manipulate the colours of both living things and inanimate objects. She uses this magic to frequently change her fur colour, although she usually keeps at least some of it black or green. She loves to make art and is always on the hunt for beautiful sights. Chromoxmy’s colourmancy has many uses, as she’s able to use each colour of the rainbow to produce a different effect. Red can increase temperatures, orange can energize her allies, yellow can stun, green can increase her luck, blue can lower temperature, indigo can put her foes to sleep, and violet can provide minor healing. Her radical-type catch phrase is “what’s your favourite colour?”


Hey guys, this’ll be the place we’ll communicate for the team idea. Let me know if you have any ideas to add to the app, I’m still pretty new to the development side of things. I know it’s not as nice as the forums but I’ve been told this should be a lot more secure.

Also, you guys should introduce yourselves, I don’t think you’ve met


youre sure it’s safe here?


Yes, it’s definitely safe. I had the mothmy leaker personally affirm that. They’re a smart enough security expert, if hacking through the cyber-type hivemind is any proof. I can also confirm they aren’t affiliated with Twin Star, so we’re very much so safe. I’ve also vetted both of you and I think we can trust each other.

Anyways, no need to be so heavy! Everything’s alright.


Dear Mommy Team,

Hello ladies and gents! My name’s Glenn Clive. I’m very new to this mommy thing so please excuse my ignorance.

Sincerely,  G. Clive


All good Glenn. Is your Monommy a mommy class? Actually that might be a good place to start, let’s introduce ourselves AND our Monommy.

I’m Ember, my pacted partner is Bunpopmy, and I have a couple other Drops too. I host a podcast about Monommy but it’s on hiatus right now. I want to get to know other monomasters and kinda… idk, get settled into the role some more. I’ve had a couple fights since I got my first Drop and while I’m getting better at it and I’m pacted now, I could still use more experience, even if it’s from others. That’s the main reason I wanted to make this group anyways. How about you guys?


Hello Ember,

What do you mean when you say drops? Like a rain drop? Sorry, still getting used to this LOL

Per my last email, I’m Glenn Clive. My kids are more knowledgeable about the mommies than I am, a lot of it flies over my head. I’m willing to learn though! I think Toastmy said we’re pacted, still not sure what that entails but I do know that I like her very much and she’s great with the kids. I’d love to learn your perspective on things too. If you’re ever in Wisconsin, I’m great with a barbeque.

Sincerely, G. Clive


lol You don’t have to sign your messages, Glenn. A drop is the little blobby thing that a Monommy can give you if she wants you to be able to summon her. Since you’re pacted, you definitely have Toastmy’s drop. Should be kinda marshmallowy. (jealous btw, she’s my favourite comfy-type)


I’m Catherine.. I was the one in the laceramy posts in the forums. You probably know me better as verifiedtrist or gloom chorus. I’m not actually pacted with laceramy, but I am pacted with Mienmy now. I have a problem with compulsive lying but im working on that. Mienmy’s been helping. I don’t have any other drops yet, since we escaped from twin star we’ve been lying low for the most part. Idk.


We’re happy to have you and Mienmy, Catherine. If there’s anything we can do to support you please let us know. And consider us on okay terms, I know we didn’t really start off on the right foot.




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