#070 – Evistromy

#069 - Scarecromy
#071 - Puppymy
Evistromy, Monommy #070, a grand mommy class goth-type
Evistromy, the ‘evisceration astronomy’ grand Monommy of destruction and death

These are important to know too. Another leak coming right up. I’ve done my best to keep this away from Twin Star but the public’s safety is more important. Educate yourselves and know the limits of Monommy power. Go to hell, Twin Star. Go to hell, Uplinkmy. Withholding information is violence. – C

Access – Designation: GRAND

#079 – Amalchemy, the Grand Mama

Amalchemy is the Grand of consciousness and life, and is a Grand Mama class Monommy. She is the only member of this class. Her type was originally Light, but in modern times this type has changed and is now known as Divine. Long ago, the Grand Mother created the universe, and with it, the lesser Grands. One of these Grand Monommy was the almighty Amalchemy, who had the power to bestow life itself. Amalchemy rarely speaks, wishing instead to hear others, as witnessing life create thoughts of its own brings her great joy. Amalchemy’s powers of creation come from the three gemstones embedded in her body, each split in half, on her wings, claws, and hooves. As the bringer of life, she naturally opposed Evistromy, the bringer of death, and the two established the first Monommy types: Light and Shadow, which would wage war on one another for thousands of years. After thousands of years of both creation and death, The Grand Mother awoke from her slumber, and she saw the horrors of the war Amalchemy and Evistromy had waged. Humans and Monommy both had wreaked havoc on the world she so lovingly created. It was on that day that The Grand Mother decided to limit the powers of Monommy and humans. Amalchemy elected to split herself into three non-Grand Monommy: Dragomy, Phoenixmy, and Unicomy. She did this to both limit her power, and  live among her fellow Monommy and experience what life was like for herself. The Gemstone Guardians, as they are now known, act as a sort of intermediary between normal Monommy and the other Grands. It’s said she will fuse back together some day, to do battle with Evistromy as they once did when The Grand Mother slumbered. Her gemstones are able to fire beams of concentrated holy energy to defend herself, and she can use her powers of life giving to manipulate the minds and souls of others, as well as to manifest weapons from atoms in the air.

#080 – Evistromy. the Grand Mommy

Evistromy is the Grand of destruction and death, and is a Grand Mommy class Monommy. She is the only member of this class. Her type was originally Shadow, but in modern times this type has changed and is now known as Goth. Long ago, the Grand Mother created the universe, and with it, the lesser Grands. One of these Grand Monommy was the all-powerful Evistromy, who had incredible powers of destruction and reigned over death itself. Evistromy was banished from the planet after the Grand Mother awoke from her slumber. Thousands of planets and countless lives have been lost to this powerful Monommy, and she is widely regarded as the strongest Monommy in terms of raw power, rivalling even that of The Grand Mother’s. Her incredible power is unfortunately married to her lust for violence. When the Grand Mother awoke from her slumber following the creation of the universe, she saw the horrors of the war Amalchemy and Evistromy had waged. Humans and Monommy both had wreaked havoc on the world she so lovingly created. It was on that day that The Grand Mother demanded to limit the powers of Monommy and humans.  Immune from the influence of The Grand Mother, the two Grands were asked to find ways in which they could limit their powers, to prevent the land from further destruction. Evistromy refused, and The Grand Mother was forced to defeat her and seal her away. Heartbroken from her creator’s betrayal, Evistromy vowed to one day enact her revenge. Her eternal heartbreak manifests as the tears that forever flow down her body. The ribbon-like tendrils that emerge from the rings on her back can stretch to any length, and are sharpened down to a molecule’s thickness. With them, she can slice through anything, be it solid steel, flesh, or even the core of a planet.

████ and ████ – ChronoKinmy and CosmoKinmy, the Grand Moms

The twins ChronoKinmy and CosmoKinmy are the Grand Moms, and are the newest Grands known to human and Monommy kind. They are the only members of their class, and their types are Goth and Divine respectively, although when they were originally created by The Grand Mother, they were Under-type and Over-type. They were shed from The Grand Mother shortly after her battle with Evistromy, so as to limit her own power and allow new Grands to govern over time and space in her place as she went into an eternal slumber. ChronoKinmy wields a ████████ and she??????██
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