#073 – Cartoonmy

#072 - Voracimy
#074 - Mechamy
Cartoonmy, Monommy #073, a mommy class radical-type
Cartoonmy, the “cartoon” Monommy

#060 – Cartoonmy

Cartoonmy, a mommy class radical-type Monommy and a master of tap dancing. She was originally created by accident during an arcane-type study session in the Magus Tower on the Astral Plains. It’s said that a human accidentally doodled with some magic ink on enchanted paper, and Cartoonmy leapt off the parchment, surprised that she was now rather animated. She immediately left the room, saying that studying was ‘for poindexters’, and left to join Radical-type. She’s got a very snarky attitude and loves to make jokes and put on a show. Cartoonmy lives for dancing of all kinds, but she has a soft spot for tap. One particularly lonely day, she decided it’d be fun to make others enjoy dancing as much as she does, so she developed a unique form of magic called Animatiomancy. Using this magic, she can shoot her enchanted ink at others to ‘animate’ their bodies, making them dance in a wacky fashion. Her radical-type catch phrase is “Let’s put a little pep in ya step!”


Hey guys, been a bit. Have you seen the news?


Who hasn’t seen the news these days? The fucked up disasters? The people? The Monommy? Be more specific


Youre right that’s fair lol

I meant the more recent stuff with the monomasters making the news. I saw one station calling them superheroes lol


kinda makes sense, not everyone knows about the pact powers.


That’s true.

Did you see the one where the guy with Dragomy fought the kid without a Monommy?


Yeah that one was fucked up, he tore the guys arm off


What I don’t understand is why Dragomy would give someone her Drop only to take it away and leave when he’s injured. I think that guy’s up to no good


Why do you think that

he lost an arm and almost died


He was taken into custody by Twin Star right after. I guess you didn’t see that bit.


Ah… well, just because he was taken by them doesn’t mean he did anything wrong


Oh no I know that! Sorry I didn’t mean to imply anything bad about you or anyone.

I just meant with Dragomy dissolving her Drop and the way she hugged the kid… Idk, just seems sus to me


Your fine. I just looked up the full video, I think your right

Wonder what dragomy is doing with the kid now


I wonder that myself. Maybe they’re pacted?


They cant be, dragomy doesn’t have a big green jaw attack


I just figured maybe she has more powers we don’t know about. Things are different than what we used to think after all


I think its one of those undiscovered monommy


What like fucking “Icezermy”? lmao


yeah actually. maybe not icermy lol. I meant like with bestiemy or moomy or tulimy. One nobody saw before but now people are befriending.


Oh right. I forgot those were ‘undiscovered’ until recently.

Life is getting so weird.


Hello Ember and Catherine,

I agree, that man is definitely suspicious. Toastmy has been telling me that her friend Dragomy would never act that way with someone nice. As for those other mommys, I don’t know much about any mommys! I want to learn more though.

I was just spending time playing with my daughter and reading your letters here reminded me of that young man on the news, and how much he reminds me of my daughter. He was clearly lashing out and defending himself. I don’t think we have the full story here, and take it from this old man: take the news with a grain of salt!

I wish there were a way for us to talk with the young man, and get his story. Maybe some day!

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!

Sincerely, Glenn Clive


Well said, Glenn. Once again though, its Monommy, not just mommy. Mommy is a class of Monommy though, you’re close!

As for talking with the young man, I think that’s a great idea actually. I know I’m curious. I’ll see if I can find him online, maybe send him a message. I’m sure somebody in the community has to know him.

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