#075 – Kaijumy

#074 - Mechamy
#076 - Sandsmy
Kaijumy, Monommy #075, a mother class brutal-type
Kaijumy, the “kaiju” Monommy

#062 – Kaijumy

Kaijumy, a mother class brutal-type Monommy who slumbers deep in an undersea cave below the waters surrounding the Isle of Glory. At over 140 feet tall, she is the largest terrestrial Monommy, second only to the Grand Mother herself. When Kaijumy was born, there was some debate as to whether she was truly mother class or if a new class should be made for Monommy of her extreme size. Kaijumy is an extremely powerful and incredibly large Monommy known for her love of destroying human cities with ease. Very few humans have ever spoken to her, let alone received her drop. It’s said that she’s never even pacted, and that she’s the oldest non-Grand Monommy, having never reincarnated. Her bioluminescent spots emit an eerie purple light that fills all those who witness it with a longing for action, or combat. She is worshipped among brutal-type Monommy for her terrifying power, and also for the peace and balance that she brings to the world. Kaijumy keeps humans from expanding too much, and actually rarely kills them, giving plenty of heads up before she rampages. That said, when she does go on a rampage, destruction is all she cares about, becoming enveloped in the lust to destroy. She can fire off powerful beams of super-focused purple lightning from her mouth and eyes, the scutes on her shell are completely indestructible, and she has a cunning intelligence. Only two Monommy have ever managed to defeat her in one-on-one combat: Mechamy, and RazorMothmy. When she grows tired, she returns to her underwater cavern to slumber for another hundred years.

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