#077 – Warpmy

#076 - Sandsmy
#078 - Bumblemy
Warpmy, Monommy #077, a mom class arcane-type
Warpmy, the “warping” Monommy

#065 – Warpmy

Warpmy, a mom class arcane-type Monommy with the ability to open portals and teleport. She’s got a fun-loving personality when you get to know her, but before then she’s quite shy, often teleporting away at the first sign of social interaction. Due to this she can be quite hard to make friends with, but those who put in the effort will see that she’s very affectionate and holds her loved ones in high regard. Warpmy’s portals can be manifested anywhere she chooses, allowing anyone or anything to pass through one and come out of the other. However, she is limited to where she can place them, as she must have been to a location previously to summon forth a portal there.

Transmission Intercepted.

CT-UMY: For these reasons and more we are requesting you form Amalchemy once more. These tears in the sky are dangerous and we need strong divine energies to heal the damage to space-time.

G-SP1 (1st Voice, high, designated Alpha): Why are you asking us and not the holy Knights then? There’s four perfectly capable and fully formed Monommy with divine energy to spare.

CT-UMY: We have considered that option. However, with the disappearance of Guardiamy, and SeraphMothmy being incredibly busy with deliberations on the moon, Radiamy and Thronesmy have shown a lack of sufficient healing energy to mend the tears.

G-SP1 (Alpha): Enlist other types then. Divine is not the only that practice healing magic.

CT-UMY: We assure you. Divine magic is the only kind that has any effect on these tears in space-time. It’s unlike any magic we’ve seen before. Recent studies have actually implied its not magic at all.

G-SP1 (2nd Voice, aggressive, designated Beta): Impossible! Technology could not do such a thing. You cyber-types are all alike.

G-SP1 (3rd Voice, young, designated Gamma): That’s not true, and you don’t know.

G-SP1 (Beta): Do not interrupt, Mr. Redwoods.

G-SP1 (4th Voice, calm, designated Delta): Let him speak. He is on our side. He is one of us.

G-SP1 (Gamma): Thank you, Dragomy.

CT-UMY: We simply request that the Grand Mama be formed upon the first signs of the next emergence. You need not stay in Her form, we just request that you mend the tear in space-time to protect us all.

G-SP1 (Alpha): You say Radiamy and Thronesmy are insufficient, yet the first wound was sealed by Bestiemy alone, who then assisted in the sealing of the second. Surely Radiamy, Thronesmy, and Bestiemy all together are sufficient enough until Guardiamy is found.

CT-UMY: We acknowledge the… Usefulness of Bestiemy’s assistance in sealing the wounds. However, we do not trust them to continue to perform.

G-SP1 (Alpha): Why not? They’re clearly proficient.

CT-UMY: We – that is to say this unit – do not trust Bestiemy. We have not met, and it is against protocol to-

G-SP1 (Gamma): Do you trust Virusmy?

G-SP1 (Beta): Silence, child.

G-SP1 (Delta): Unicomy. Enough. Go ahead, Kane.

G-SP1 (Gamma): Do you trust Virusmy? You’ve met her. You’ve met me. So do you trust us?

CT-UMY: Moving along to our second topic, then. Virusmy is a newly discovered Monommy, and one born of man, no less. Very unusual and requires further study. Unfortunate it needed to be quarantined but-

G-SP1 (Gamma): She.

CT-UMY: Right. She needed to be quarantined. Because she’s dangerous, and minimally studied.

G-SP1 (Gamma): But do you trust her?

CT-UMY: No. She is inherently dangerous. We recognize her as a non-hive member of Cyber-type. We recognize her as sapient. We recognize her as a Monommy. We do not trust her, as she is not naturally born.

G-SP1 (Beta): Rich coming from you.

CT-UMY: We beg your pardon?

G-SP1 (Delta): Unicomy, control yourself.

G-SP1 (Gamma): She didn’t do anything to deserve your distrust. Shes in full control now, not relaying data to Twin Star anymore.

G-SP1 (Alpha): That’s true, Uplinkmy. In fact, we have a proposal for you.

CT-UMY: We know it is true. Our scanners ceased to work on it – her – a few weeks ago.

G-SP1 (Gamma): I thought you blocked off my network connections.

CT-UMY: We lied. Kept a single network open to relay data. One way. We wanted to continue to study the virus. Tell us this proposal.

G-SP1 (Gamma): The guardians said they’d be able to let Virusmy take form. She wouldn’t be trapped in my MM anymore.

CT-UMY: You’d be willing to reform Amalchemy, to bring life to a virus developed by humanity. Are we understanding this proposal correctly?

G-SP1 (Alpha): Well, yes, but-

CT-UMY: Absolutely not! You won’t form Amalchemy to protect all of Monommy kind – your kind – but a child requests you give life to an enemy’s weapon and youre more than willing? Have the Grands forsaken us?

G-SP1 (Delta): The Grands are doing more than you could ever understand, Uplinkmy. There’s more to this than we can know-

CT-UMY: We are growing increasingly frustrated at Monomasters and Monommy not cooperating with crisis relief efforts. Find Guardiamy, do not trust human officials, and do not let the virus out of that Monommy Machine. Proposal denied. Do not contact us again unless you’ve made progress in finding Guardiamy. As a reminder, she was last seen interacting with human military officials. Time is a precious resource. See to it. Ending Transmission.

(CT-UMY drops connection. G-SP1 fails to disconnect for another four minutes. All voices henceforth originate from G-SP1)

Gamma: I don’t understand. She was so helpful before.

Delta: Manipulative. She was reverse engineering Virusmy. Wanted to make a version to infiltrate Twin Star. We refused to cooperate when she asked us to help.

Gamma: Everyone’s out to get us..

Alpha: Not everyone. Can I see your MM?

Gamma: Yeah.

Alpha: Hey Virusmy, is it cramped in there?

5th Voice, low quality, designated Epsilon: *Incomprehensible* had legs *incomprehensible* tch em!

Haha, let’s get you outta there then!

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