#078 – Bumblemy

#077 - Warpmy
#079 - INDEXfal
Bumblemy, Monommy #078, a mommy class comfy-type
Bumblemy, the “bumblebee” Monommy

#066 – Bumblemy

Bumblemy, a mommy class comfy-type Monommy and a bee farmer who farms bees and be farmin’. Bumblemy is a hard worker, tilling the fields and tending to her honey bee hives all day long. She’s remarkably strong for a comfy-type, even able to match up to her lifelong partner Stingmy, a brutal-type. The mutual respect between Comfy-type and Brutal-type is seen at its peak between the two lovebirds. They even chose their ranch to be located close to the coast of the Overworld’s southern-most point, a spot said to be equally close to both Dream Valley and the Isle of Glory. Bumblemy and Stingmy’s Ranch is a source of food and nourishment for anyone in the world who needs it. Bumblemy believes in a world free of hunger, where everyone shares and everyone is kind to their neighbours. She’s sweet as honey!

a glitch bearing a threatening insignia and... the monommy symbol...


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