#080 – Deusectomy

#079 - INDEXfal
#081 - Stingmy
Deusectomy, Weapon #080, a ??? class ???-type. Classified and part of Project FIREFIGHT.

From the desk of Dr. Cherise Caulfield, CEO and director of Twin Star Contingency Research. This document is my personal, if incomplete, report of what I view to be the key moments in the development of Project FIREFIGHT.

Twin Star operatives were escorted by the United States military to the scene of the anomaly, where numerous tests were conducted from a safe distance. Site D’s long distance orbiting telescope array confirmed similar readings emanating from the Sky Wound as data collected over the years from the anomaly internally referred to as ‘Dark Star’. Unknown radioactive elements were found expanding outwards from both Sky Wound and Dark Star, albeit the readings from Dark Star were found to be of a significantly lesser potency. Our scientists have suggested this may be due to physical distance. Due to the significance and publicness of the tear in the sky, public relations teams have declared this event to be impossible to cover up, and the general public must be educated on the matter to a limited extent so as to prevent excess panic. As such, any data marked as Security Level Epsilon and below are now to be processed and redacted for public viewing and considered declassified.

After unknown entities appeared to seal the ‘wound’, one remained and quickly approached Twin Star operatives on the scene. Operatives were cleared to use deadly force, although after the smoke settled the entity in question remained standing, and requested to conduct a conversation with Twin Star’s ‘leader’. Conventional weaponry seems to have negligible effects on the entity. After some deliberation, we have decided to go ahead with the diplomatic option. Twin Star CEO Dr. Cherise Caulfield personally spoke with the entity, who identified itself as Guardiamy.

The entity referring to itself as ‘Guardiamy’ spoke before Twin Star officials in a debriefing room at Site B, before agreeing to be escorted and kept in Site C for further study on the grounds that it ‘is allowed to work together to protect the world with Cherise’. Dr. Caulfield agreed to this mutually beneficial offer, but soon after released the following statement: “The entity known as ‘Guardiamy’, herein referred to as ‘the asset’ is to be held in Site C in perpetuity. It is to be denied any request to leave. It is to be treated with care and kept alive by any means. It is to be studied and used to retrieve samples for any projects which may assist Twin Star in contingencies against anomalies that encroach on our safety as a species. I want updates as frequently as possible. In addition I will be personally overseeing the secondary asset which spawned from the primary asset, which it refers to as its ‘drop’. I received this secondary asset after performing a ritual which resulted in forming a ‘pact’ with the asset, as part of our initial agreement. It is small and harmless. If the asset is ever seen producing another jelly-like lifeform like the one pictured, I am to be informed and the lifeform is to be immediately incinerated by Class-A railgun incinerator blasts. Despite what the asset may attempt to tell you, we are not its friend. We are not its ally. It is our asset and we will utilize it to the fullest.”

Secondary Asset's appearance. Guardiamy Drop.
Secondary asset’s physical appearance.

The following is a list of escape attempts by the asset.

After two weeks of captivity, the asset attempted escape, and was apprehended. One guard was wounded during this event. The asset apologized profusely for this, claiming it had no intent to harm.

5 WEEKS SINCE CAPTURE: The asset once again attempted escape following a routine sample extraction. Asset was apprehended with no wounded. Asset expressed frustration with ‘invasive’ tests and requested it be let out to roam ‘with Cherise’ and ‘meet monomasters’. Request was denied. Social research team instructed to learn more about the nature of ‘monomasters.’

7 WEEKS SINCE CAPTURE: Asset attempted to escape once more when it was informed that Dr. Caulfield was visiting Site C. When confronted, it pleaded to be let out ‘just for a few minutes, to stretch (its) wings’. Request was denied. Asset was distraught by this, and refused to cooperate with tests for the rest of the week. Electric shocks put a stop to this behaviour. Asset was physically unharmed by these shocks, but displayed reactions that would imply it felt pain.

8 WEEKS SINCE CAPTURE: Asset attempted escape, this time threatening to ‘hurt (security) like (it) did before, but with purpose’. Security was threatened by this, and responded violently. Despite threats, asset did not harm any staff. Asset was only slightly damaged by security. Social team requested asset be allowed monitored ‘outside time’. Request was denied.

11 WEEKS SINCE CAPTURE: Asset attempted escape, fatally wounding one of our guards in the process. Security responded in kind, regrettably killing the asset in the process. Asset pleaded it “didn’t mean to” harm the deceased employee and laid down arms immediately upon realizing what it had done. Security team responded with opening fire into the asset’s face. Security team responsible for the asset’s death has been reprimanded and will be receiving paid leave for no less than six months. Research teams have been advised of weak points in asset’s eyes and mouth.

Asset has displayed ‘reincarnation’ capabilities, manifesting itself a new body from the secondary asset personally held by Dr. Caulfield. This fresh version of the asset sustained no wounds from its encounter with Site C security. The secondary asset vanished with the forming of this reincarnated ‘Guardiamy’.

Following the asset’s final escape attempt and subsequent death and reincarnation, Dr. Caulfield ordered the technology development department of Twin Star to develop a means to isolate and restrict the reincarnation capabilities of the asset. Several tests were conducted to produce what would eventually become the device now known as a Soul Restraint Ring. The following is an incomplete list of vital moments that lead to the invention of the Soul Restraint Ring:

Interview between Dr. Cherise Caulfield and the asset under consideration for project FIREFIGHT

CAULFIELD: How did you reform your body? You were dead.

ASSET: We – Monommy I mean, we reincarnate when we die. Our drops become the basis of our new body and we are reborn.

CAULFIELD: Do you only produce a single drop?

ASSET: No, we can produce several. We usually make one for every human we befriend as a means for them to become closer with us. Like when you and I pacted.

CAULFIELD: Did you produce other drops?

I thought I had.. But I suppose not.

CAULFIELD: What of the other drops then? Do you multiply when you die?

ASSET: Only one drop turns into our new bodies when we pass on.

CAULFIELD: What determines which drop will be the new body?

ASSET: Whichever one we felt the most love from. We’re connected to our drops. Whenever someone hugs a drop, we feel that hug. Whenever someone loves and cares for a drop, we feel it.

CAULFIELD: You… Felt the most love from the drop you gave me? Or do pact partners gain a form of priority?

ASSET: No priority, no… And I’m sorry but… I didn’t feel very much love aside from the occasional pat..

CAULFIELD: Then it was my drop, because there are no others.

ASSET: I suppose so…

CAULFIELD: You seem to retain memories of your… Past life. Does this always happen?

ASSET: With me it does. It’s different for other Monommy.

CAULFIELD: How is it different?

Only elves and demi-oh right. Only mommy and mother class Monommy retain their memories when they reincarnate. Well, usually anyways. Mama and mom class do not keep their memories, however.

CAULFIELD: I see… And you are mother class as we previously discussed, correct?



(Dr. Caulfield is seen taking notes)

CAULFIELD: Produce another. For me. Please.

Are you sure you want it? You didn’t tend to-

CAULFIELD: I’ll take better care of it this time. It’s very important to me. To.. You. I want to keep you… Safe.

ASSET: Of course, Cherise. We’re partners after all.

(A glowing yellow light emanates from the asset and a new secondary asset is manifested before Dr Caulfield)

CAULFIELD: Thank you Guardiamy. I have to go now.

ASSET: B-but I was hoping we could-

CAULFIELD: Do not produce another. I’ll call for you for our next appointment when the time comes.

Cherise, I-

CAULFIELD: Doctor Caulfield. Goodbye Guardiamy. For now.

ASSET: G-goodbye..

After many tests, the sync molecules were discovered.

Samples taken from both the asset and secondary asset have shown a unique, anomalous molecule composed of unknown elements that matches both organisms completely, but is dormant. When stimulated with electrical shocks, said molecule clusters begin to emit what we have dubbed ‘sync waves’. After rigorous testing involving electric shocks and penetrating of the skin with industrial strength diamond drills, this was confirmed to be the link between Drop and Monommy that allows the Monommy to feel what the Drop is experiencing. Due to the nature of a monommy requiring to feel a certain amount of love in its drop to reincarnate into said drop, it is believed the key to what it ‘chooses’ to reincarnate into is in these anomalous molecules.

Doctor Alex Bridges proposed a simple yet elegant solution shortly after the discovery of sync molecules. A system of artificially produced sync molecules being fed a steady stream of dopamine, being pumped in a ring shaped device in fast orbit around the asset should be enough to disrupt the detection of ‘love’ when reincarnating, thus keeping the Monommy’s “soul” (Thanks for that one, Lane) trapped in its body, preventing loss of the asset. If the asset ever dies, the Soul Restraint Ring need only be turned off, afterwards it would reincarnate into the secondary asset held by Dr. Caulfield. Another ring would be fitted to the asset’s new body and Twin Star would keep its weapon.

And with the blessings of Marcus Lane, angelic vivisection commenced, and the proposal to use the physical body of the asset known as Guardiamy as the basis for the FIREFIGHT project began.

First, the Soul Restraint Ring was tested vigorously. The asset was killed in a wide variety of ways. The ring worked right from the beginning, but redundancy is very important. With each death experienced in rapid succession by the asset, it began to protest less and less. Eventually, it began to behave. And we gave it it’s new name. A name fitting for our cause. Deusectomy.

Of course, there was one issue. A personal one at that. And I apologize that my report has gotten less formal but when you’ve felt what I’ve felt… You lose a bit of yourself. Guardiamy isn’t the only one who has suffered. The sacrifices I give for this company. For the good of humanity.

I feel whatever Deusectomy feels. Because we are pacted. I, too, have the sync molecules in me, it would appear. I could always bear it though. It was for the good of us all, after all.

I could handle the feeling of Guardiamy dying. That was no issue. Hurt like hell but always ended quickly. The issue I found was when R&D came to me with the plans for Deusectomy’s finished design. They assured me it was the best idea they had at the time. Fine, I thought. I’ll just take a shit ton of morphine and it’ll be over before I know it.

Well. Here’s a snippet of the audio transcript of the build.

SERGEI: Diamond edge turbo scalpel ready to… Chop this living angels legs off, sir.

ASSET: Please. Just kill me again.

CAULFIELD: Can you gag it please.

ASSET: Cherise we’re frien-

CAULFIELD: Thank you. Alright guys I’m all doped up. This is why they pay us the big bucks let’s get this shit donezo!

SERGEI: Making incision.

CAULFIELD: Fuck that hurts. Make it quick. Clean cut.

(Engine sounds, splattering.)

(Engine sounds suddenly stall out. Dr. Caulfield begins screaming.)




You get the idea.

Then it was just billions of dollars of state of the art cybernetics, two experimental rail guns, and every damn laser weapon variant we could come up with. All that coupled with levitation tech reverse engineered from Uplinkmy’s goons, and a whole bunch of other shit I can’t be bothered to remember right now. All that led to the culmination of the project. Finally we can fight fire with fire.

Project firefight has been fully produced. Deusectomy’s first non-simulated operation will be to eliminate the Monommy Uplinkmy.

The following is my summary of the operation, for research and training purposes:

Deusectomy arrived to the reported location of Uplinkmy’s whereabouts with no issue. Deusectomy may be a little on the slow side, but handles well enough. If we ever make a second version, less complicated controls may be a boon to more efficient takedowns.

Deusectomy’s weapons systems, on the other hand, are remarkably quick. The laser weapons were very fast to fire, the articulated claw was easily manipulated, and even the experimental railguns fired without too much fuss. The only real issue is that the enemy knew we were coming.

Uplinkmy managed to fire an energy beam of some sort that appeared to be composed of tiny hardlight constructs of ones and zeroes. These easily cut through and damaged the manmade components of Deusectomy. It appears as though earlier hypothesis of Monommy requiring to recite an incantation before firing their ‘spells’ is true, at least from this encounter. Here is the audio transcript of our brief conversation with Uplinkmy.

(Sound of clanking metal, servos whirling. Standard sounds of Deusectomy’s movement.)

UPLINKMY: Overload!

(High pitched sound of thousands of tiny items whooshing through the air, followed very quickly by an explosion, the sound of Deusectomy clanging down to the ground, then silence.)


UPLINKMY: We knew you were coming. There is an innate, very much so detectable energy emitted by humans. An energy that passes on to your technology.

CAULFIELD (via DEUSECTOMY’s sound system, slight distortion): Can’t say I’ve ever heard of human energy.


UPLINKMY: Is… a human… piloting this creature?

CAULFIELD: Yes, I am human. Yes, I am piloting this weapon. This Monommy.

UPLINKMY: That thing is no Monommy. It wouldn’t fool anyone.

CAULFIELD: And why is that?

Firstly, we are to destroy it immediately. Secondly, it-

You sure you want to do that? Take a closer look.


UPLINKMY: Guardiamy… You abhorrent monster. How could you commit such an act?

CAULFIELD: How is this any different than your drones?


CAULFIELD: That’s what I thought.

(Sound of high energy laser blast, brief mechanical scream.)

(Sound of Deusectomy’s mechanical parts whirring, raising it back into its levitating state.)


CAULFIELD: Never mind how. You were saying before? Secondly?

UPLINKMY: Goodbye.


UPLINKMY: Y-you cut me out.

CAULFIELD: Not difficult to lobotomize the section of your giant head that connects to your little hivemind. Especially when your guard is down. Now. Finish your thought.


CAULFIELD: The other reason you knew we were coming! Now!

(Sound of articulated claw whirring up, spinning.)

UPLINKMY: The Monommy Machine scanner would return an index: false error. I added that feature when I updated the guide.


UPLINKMY: Fake Monommy – like what you’ve created – are something to be very wary of in this day and age. You know, I actually got the idea from humanity, your species is remarkably creati-

(Sound of WARNING ALARM emanating from Deusectomy’s remaining railgun drowns out the rest of the conversation. An explosion is heard. Connection with Deusectomy is lost.)

The bitch somehow managed to hack into Deusectomy’s systems. The remarkable thing is, according to our biopsy, she found an exploit in the *biological* components of Deusectomy. Cyber-type Monommys’ ability to rewrite the code of the physical world is formidable indeed. Nonetheless, despite the catastrophic failure and destruction of the mechanical parts of Deusectomy, we still have Guardiamy, and now the thorn in our side is dead. Well done team.

The weapon may have been damaged severely by its encounter with Uplinkmy, but it was returned to Twin Star successfully nonetheless. Project FIREFIGHT is to be revamped. Deusectomy 2.0 will be further developed and improved using components and intelligence gathered from past interactions with Monommy. In addition, attempts will be made to insert Deusectomy 2.0 into the Monommy Guide, so as to avoid any further mistakes, and to infiltrate their communications. With Uplinkmy now dealt with, this should be a relatively simple process. We can use what little intel we received from Mr. Marcus Lane’s virus fiasco to determine a method to insert the improved Deusectomy into the guide. Some entries may be needed to be tampered with and shuffled around for this to work, but with a convincing enough entry, it should pass under the radar sufficiently, especially with Uplinkmy no longer protecting it.

Due to our current inability to find the god damn mole that’s been leaking classified information, this document detailing project FIREFIGHT will be kept at security level alpha. Viewing of this document by anyone other than myself or other members of the Circle of Architects will result in immediate execution. Only physical copies of this document exist. If you are viewing a digital copy, it is a fake.

The following is the blueprint mockup of the proposed design for Deusectomy 2.0:

Blueprints for Deusectomy v2.0. Classified and part of Project FIREFIGHT.

They did a bang up job here. I especially like the sticky note that came with it – ‘secondary rings will suppress pain transference’. Really wish they’d thought that one up sooner, but damn if I don’t appreciate it. Besides that, I think it needs a heart on it somewhere. Really make it blend in. I want people who see this thing in the Monommy guide to think it’s a real one. For the entry maybe make up some bullshit about friendship, that should make it fit right in.

Update: Marketing will obviously have a look at the minutiae of its design before its finalized, but here’s essentially the final version:

Bestiemy, Monommy #014. A mama class divine-type, but its altered. Twin Star branded.

It’s perfect, is it not?

Update: Marketting just gave me the final name. So much better than Friendshipmy. I love it, fits right in.


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