#081 – Stingmy

#080 - Deusectomy
#082 - Heckmy
Stingmy, Monommy #081, a mommy class brutal-type
Stingmy, the “wasp sting” Monommy

#067 – Stingmy

Stingmy, a mommy class brutal-type Monommy and a wasp rancher. Stingmy protects the ranch she tends to with her fierce sharp shooting from a distance, and her powerful stinger up close. She’s not as scary as she seems, though – she has quite the soft side, and this is seen the most when she’s with her lifelong partner, Bumblemy, a comfy-type. The mutual respect between Comfy-type and Brutal-type is seen at its peak between the two lovebirds. They even chose their ranch to be located close to the coast of the Overworld’s southern-most point, a spot said to be equally close to both Dream Valley and the Isle of Glory. Stingmy believes in a world where everyone is able to achieve their dreams, and she’ll fight anyone who gets in the way of that. Her relationship with Bumblemy has lead to a number of situations where her fellow brutal-types question how tough she is, which she always answers with her sharpshooting. Nobody messes with Stingmy, y’hear?

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