#082 – Heckmy

#081 - Stingmy
#083 - Thronesmy
Heckmy, Monommy #082, a mommy class goth-type
Heckmy, the “Hell” Monommy

#068 – Heckmy

Heckmy, a mommy class goth-type Monommy. Heckmy is one of the toughest warriors in the Underworld, as well as a genius mechanic. Using her technological prowess, she outfitted her arm with the Heckfire Cannon, a powerful firearm that shoots concentrated white-hot slugs of hyper-condensed nickel. It’s said that the feeling of being shot by Heckmy’s gun is akin to being pelted with a cannonball made out of the planet’s very core. Heckmy is mischievous and witty, able to manipulate others into doing her bidding with little effort. She’s a force not to be trifled with. When not engaging in combat or working on her machines, she enjoys dips in lava pools, where she will attempt to convince you to join her, saying ‘the water’s great’. It is not great. It is not water. Do not get in the tub with her.


Hey everybody. Od said to introduce myself so uh…

I’m Kane. My pact partner is… a Monommy you’ve never heard of XD


Who the fuck is Od


Oh yknow the leaker who helped me set this chat up? That’s her name. She told me not to tell anyone but uh well.


It’s alright Ember. To the rest of you, you might know me as just “C”, but you can call me Od, as that’s my name. Confession time: I’ve been here lurking the whole time.

But the real newbie here is Kane so everybody say hi to him. Ember told me to find the guy from the Dragomy story and here he is.


Yeah, that’s me.


Welcome Kane! We’re a group of Monomasters and we’ve been sharing our ‘adventures’ together here. You can rest assured this place is secure to talk about whatever. Od wouldn’t use her real name like that if it wasn’t.




Hi Ember, I’ve heard about you actually, you’re ToastmySnuggles right? you used to host Ring Drops?


That’d be me yes, but no, not ‘used to’. I’m still podcasting.


It’s been months since the last episode…

hi kane




It’s just on hiatus. I’ve been busy since everything went down. I’m still making the next episode, just interviewing some people for stuff.


Oh right the intervews lol


Can I set up a different profile pic somehow it’s hard for me to follow this


Sorry, I’m a programmer, not an artist. I’d let you upload something but I want to be triple careful Twin Shit doesn’t get their grubby paws in here.

Kane's Profile Picture

That’s better

Od's Profile Picture

How did you do that?? There’s no files added

Od's Profile Picture

WTF that looks like me???

Kane's Profile Picture

Hold on

Ember's Profile Picture

Is Kane a ‘master hacker’ too? Watch out, Od

Od's Profile Picture

Seriously tell me how you did that

Ember's Profile Picture

Woah wtf it does look like us

Kane's Profile Picture

Hey sorry about that

Od's Profile Picture


Kane's Profile Picture

I didn’t do anything. My Monommy partner is called Virusmy, she can use her powers to mess with tech. Kinda like Uplinkmy but better

I can get her to change it back if you want

Od's Profile Picture

Okay so it’s magic. That… that’s fine.

Kane, I’m gonna come over tomorrow so I can talk to Virusmy about how she does that if that’s okay.

Kane's Profile Picture

Sounds good to me

Ember's Profile Picture

How did she make these look like us?

Catherine's Profile Picture

Wdym mine’s still gray

EDIT: nvm lol

Kane's Profile Picture

She says she can turn the screen around from cyberspace and see whoever’s on the other side.

Od's Profile Picture

My phone camera is always taped up.

Kane's Profile Picture

She says it’s not the camera but she could use that too.

Od's Profile Picture

Magic. Okay. Sure. That’s fine. Okay.


Dear Kane,

Welcome to the our little group! My name is Glenn, and firstly I’d like to say good job standing up to that bully. I know it’s not an easy thing to do, but you showed great bravery and that’s something to be admired LOL

That having been said, maybe you were a little bit too violent with the man’s arm. Just something to consider for the future.

I hope you are doing well, and would love to hear your side of the story sometime soon.

Sincerely, Glenn Clive


Dear Od,

Welcome to our little group! My name is Glenn, but I suppose you already know this. I would like to say that I do not appreciate being spied on, but I understand your caution. It is nice to actually meet you, and I’m glad you have decided to show your face.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Sincerely, Glenn Clive

Catherine's Profile Picture

Are you serously going to write a letter every time

Glenn's Profile Picture

Dear Kane, Od, Ember, and Catherine,

How did you get those cute little pictures by your name? I want one too! LOL

Sincerely, Glenn Clive

Ember's Profile Picture

We really need to teach him internet etiquette.

Glenn's Profile Picture

Dear Catherine,

What do you mean?

Sincerely, Glenn Clive

Glenn's Profile Picture

Dear Kane,

This is so cool LOL

It looks like a tiny me

Sincerely, Glenn Clive

Kane's Profile Picture


Virusmy says you’re welcome, Glenn

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