#084 – Azurmy

#083 - Thronesmy
#085 - Zombmy
Azurmy, Monommy #084, a mom class nature-type
Azurmy, the “Azure” Monommy

#070 – Azurmy

Azurmy, a mom class nature-type Monommy that can run on the wind itself. She sprints through the skies, sliding and running along the air currents as she manifests them. Azurmy loves a beautiful blue sky and running through the clouds. As free as the wind itself, she has a very laidback easy breezy personality. Her jogs through the atmosphere often lead her into conflict with Precipimy, as she frequently crashes through rain clouds, making them burst and release their rains early. Azurmy prefers to grind on air currents and run atop the wind more than flying, but she is capable of flight, and can even grant this power to other Monommy. A powerful master of air magic, she’s even been known to create tornadoes and hurricanes by running in circles.

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