#085 – Zombmy

#084 - Azurmy
#086 - Enhancemy
Zombmy, Monommy #085, a mama class goth-type
Zombmy, the “Zombie” Monommy

#071 – Zombmy

Zombmy, a mama class goth-type Monommy who spends her life being dead. Well, to be more specific, Undead. She shambles around graveyards at night, offering hugs and comfort to those who may be mourning alone. Unfortunately most who see her shambling disfigured form in the dead of night have the very reasonable response of instant fear. The axe placed firmly inside of Zombmy’s skull once belonged to Lumbermy, who fought with Zombmy long ago. Zombmy’s incredible physical strength managed to somehow stop the axe midway through and it’s been impossible to remove ever since. She often jokes about how ‘the g-giiirRrrl who pulls the agghxe from my…. Noggin…. shall be crowned queen of all the.. mm-me”. There’s a rumour among humans that Zombmy has the ability to turn any living thing into a zombie… Which is only partially true. She can temporarily possess and control any being her detached arm is clinging to, giving them a zombified look when she does so.

Od's Profile Picture

Hey guys check out this file I pilfered

<webmaster_odette> sent displredactv23.twtx


This article is about a currently occurring series of events and as such is subject to frequent and sudden change as more information comes to light.

Whether you think theyre a new social movement, a cult, or anomalies themselves, the fact is that  people worldwide have been suffering from a psychological condition known as Anomalous Collective Amnesia, and chances are, you’ve already met someone suffering from it. To help you better identify those suffering from this phenomenon, we’ve compiled this article. Remember, if you see someone suffering, reach out and help them. Humanity must stand together.
Anomalous Collective Amnesia, or ACA, is one of several recent psychological phenomena believed to be related to anomalies such as the Sky Wound Incidents. It is thought to be a form of amnesia caused by direct contact with anomalous entities and events, as a trauma response to witnessing unseeable shapes.

Individuals suffering from Anomalous Collective Amnesia all seem to share a similar final memory before everything went blank. The following is an example of one such final memory:

“It was a calm evening and then suddenly the sky opened up! I was in the ██████ ██████ with my family, having a picnic. We were having a lovely time when suddenly █████ appeared before us and told us to get down, saying there was something wrong with the sky. I started seeing ice █████ of some kind flaking off of her █████, which was weird because we were nowhere near any █████████-█████. Then I started to noticed the air got very cold, and I looked up, and that’s when I saw it.

The sky was torn open, and it was bleeding.

Suddenly all I could hear was static and then everything cut to black.

I felt suddenly very warm. There was a creeping… wet feeling all around me. From every angle I was being caressed by something very warm and pulsing. I began to pulse myself. I couldn’t see or hear or smell anything. Then my sense of feeling disappeared too. I was, for a moment… Gone.

Then all of a sudden there was a searing, blinding light. Brighter than I’ve ever seen. Wind on my skin, more vibrant to the touch than I’ve ever experienced. And the smells were overwhelming. Never before had I known air to have such a scent. I looked around and I was in a park. I could feel the grass on my palms as I got up off the ground, and it was as if I’d never felt it before. I touched my pants, my shirt, and then rubbed my arms together. It all felt so fresh and so new. And then the static stopped, and all the noises hurt my ears. Then I noticed the panicking people, and I followed them. I had no idea where I was, or where I was going, but I joined them and ran all the same, until I was inside. My family was nowhere to be found.

Oh yes of course I remember my family. I remember everything before it happened. I’ve been trying to tell you! I don’t have amnesia. I just don’t know where or who I am, and everybody’s always panicking!” Follow up – Should we remove this entire paragraph? Let me know, thanks.

Thousands of cases of ACA have been reported since the first Sky Wound Incident with more cases being reported every day. If you or a loved one is suffering from ACA, please report to the nearest hospital immediately and report the incident to Twin Star, as latest research implies a connection between this recent influx of individuals suffering with amnesia and recent anomalies such as the sky wounds. Your reports help us find a cure.

Individuals suffering from Anomalous Collective Amnesia typically display an inability to answer questions that would typically be seen as having commonly known answers, but have full memory of their supposed families and past life, usually speaking of things and events that did not happen in locations that do not exist.

The following is an example of questions to ask if you suspect someone is suffering from ACA:

What is the name of the country you’re in right now?
Who is the president of the United States?
What is your surname?
Where were you born?
What is your birthday?
What are your parent’s names?
Where do you live?

When asked any of the above questions, individuals suffering with ACA will always respond with a puzzled look, but will never give an answer, no matter how much ███████ is suffered or how many rewards are offered. This redaction needs to be fully wiped.

Individuals suffering with ACA are often found in busy cities wearing strange clothing and asking others where they are. No matter how many times their questions are answered, they will continue to ask as if they just then thought to do so.

Report ACA Cases here

Information and funding provided by Twin Star Contingency Research.

Od's Profile Picture

Looks like they’re really leaning into finding as much of these people as possible if they’re going to ask the public to help them wrangle them up…

Catherine's Profile Picture

the red actions are real words. Those assholes are torturing them

Catherine's Profile Picture

im so lucky I found Mienmy that could of been me

Od's Profile Picture

Redaction is one word Cathy. What do you mean theyre real words? Where are you getting torture?

Catherine's Profile Picture

Redactions are covering the lettrs theyre the same number of blocks

Ember's Profile Picture

Oh shit ‘no matter how much torture is suffered or how many rewards are offered’ does fit. Do they seriously think they can get away with that??

Od's Profile Picture

They’ve been getting away with it for a long time. They’re government funded. Catherine you’re a genius and I cant believe we didn’t realize this before

Kane's Profile Picture

Theyre kidnapping innocent confused people. Everything they do is awful 🙁

Glenn's Profile Picture

Dear friends,

We should not jump to conclusions. But I agree, this is not okay. Why would they redact things in the first place if their true intentions are to help people? It seems to me like they don’t really want to help, and that’s just wrong…

The world may seem like a sad place… but remember, there is hope… And I hope we can all find that hope together…

Stay strong my friends,
Glenn Clive

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