#089 – Screechmy

#088 - Bloodmy
#090 - Strigimy
Screechmy, Monommy #089, a mother class elemental-type
Screechmy, the “screeching” Monommy

#074 – Screechmy

Screechmy, a mother class elemental-type Monommy whose Banshee Scream is so loud and powerful it tears the very air it travels through. One of if not the most powerful elemental-type Monommy, Screechmy is a force to be reckoned with. Her piercing screeches and howls are powerful enough to cause damage even before she imbues them with magic. Screechmy lives deep within the darkest caverns of the Echo Caves, preferring to be left alone. Ironically, she prefers a quiet and calm atmosphere. She left Goth-type for Elemental-type in the hopes that she could better master sound magic by focusing on her power. Screechmy is revered amongst Elemental-type, with some even claiming her as their queen, although she rejects this notion. As another ghostly Monommy, she and Ectoplasmy are close friends.

BREAKING: Monommy Creators Arrested Due to Involvement with Anomalies

As of 8am PST this morning, the entirety of the development team behind the hit video game and media franchise Monommy have been taken into custody by Twin Star Contingency Research. When arrested, Alexandra Stella, the franchise’s creator, simply stated “It wasn’t us.”

We reached out to a Twin Star official for comment, but they refused to provide any answers to us at this time. This comes after a string of controversies the company has been facing regarding the public’s disapproval of Twin Star’s actions seeming to surpass laws across the United States and Canada, with some notable figures drawing comparisons of Twin Star’s recent practices to be akin to martial law.

The United States and Canada seem to bend to the will of this organization, distressing the vast majority of citizens who were not even aware that the company existed prior to the emergence of the Sky Wounds.

This is a breaking news report. Watch this space for updates.

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