#090 – Strigimy

#089 - Screechmy
#091 - Carchamy
Strigimy, Monommy #090, a mother class arcane-type
Strigimy, the “strigiform” Monommy

#081 – Strigimy

Strigimy, a mother class arcane-type Monommy and a magical educator. A master of the arcane arts, Strigimy’s magical prowess is unparalleled in its versatility. She found herself seeking out all kinds of magic, mastering each one in the process. Unfortunately for Strigimy, she found that she was unable to utilize all the magic she had learned, as if there was a limit to how many types of magic she could perform in a given day. Due to this, she took to the old adage: those who cannot do, teach. Now she lives in the tallest tower in the Astral Plains, where she uses her unique abilities to teach other Monommy and humans the magic she can perform on that day. Strigimy is a well-respected academic renowned throughout the world, and everyone knows if theres a type of magic you can’t figure out, Strigimy can teach you it. When she’s not teaching classes, she’s assisting young Monomasters in pursuing their first drops.

Kane's Profile Picture

It’s not just weird changes like that either, theres new Monommy entries as well. Do you guys have those?

Ember's Profile Picture

Oh like Monommy that werent in the games? Like Tulimy, right?

Kane's Profile Picture

Yeah kinda like those. Virusmy has an entry too

Ember's Profile Picture

I was wondering if she would. My guide app doesn’t have any info on her, or any other of the new Monommy.

Od's Profile Picture

Are there any besides Virusmy that haven’t been reported on MMdb yet? Check the newly discovered page

Ember's Profile Picture

Ugh that reminds me I have like twenty reports to investigate…

If I see an improperly filed Icezermy one more fucking time…

Kane's Profile Picture

Theres a lot. The new ones don’t have guide numbers though

Kane's Profile Picture

Some old ones are missing their numbers too, like Dragomy is missing hers.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Is Virusmy even a real Monommy though

Kane's Profile Picture

She’s real to me.

Oh wait there’s a new one with a number

Od's Profile Picture

What is it

Kane's Profile Picture

#081 – Strigimy

Ember's Profile Picture

Wow really? After Evistromy? Is it a Grand?

Kane's Profile Picture

Doesn’t look like it

Kane's Profile Picture

Some of these new entries look like the messed up entries I showed you Od

Catherine's Profile Picture

Strigimy is messed up?

Kane's Profile Picture

No, she’s normal I think. The messed up ones are all chaos-types

Ember's Profile Picture

What the hell is a chaos-type

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