#094 – Onicemy

#093 - Ribbitmy
#095 - Crescemy
Onicemy, Monommy #094, a mommy class elemental-type
Onicemy, the “On Ice!” Monommy

#085 – Onicemy

Onicemy, a mommy class Elemental-type Monommy specializing in ice magic, and figure skating. Onicemy’s ice magic is remarkably precise, allowing her to fine-tune ice particles to change the properties of the ice she manifests. She does this to make the most exquisite of ice creams, so tasty and delicious, with the perfect texture every time. She also uses this power to create ice below her, allowing her to skate around with much grace, on any surface and even through the air. In addition to her precise magical abilities, she’s quite physically strong as well, using her giant coldsteel scoop as a powerful bludgeoning weapon with ease. Onicemy was originally a member of Comfy-type, but decided to join Elemental-type as they’re much more focused on improvement, which she always strives for.

Teenager Becoming Violent, possibly because of an anomaly

I’m in dire need of some parenting advice. My son is 17 years old, almost 18, and growing up he was always a really good kid, he’s got a good part time job and gets along well with his little brother (9 yo). He’s always been a fan of Monommy, and I know some parents don’t allow their kids to watch it or play the game but I always thought it was a perfectly fine show for my kids to be watching. It teaches good values like friendship and teamwork so I approve of it. Even when he was younger he knew that even if it does feature fighting, its make believe and not the same as real life. He’s really been a mature young man and he even makes sure his little brother knows the difference between fantasy and reality. Unfortunately that’s changed since anomalies started popping up…

You know where I’m going with this. Ever since those characters stopped being fictional his sense of what’s okay has gone out the window. He’s stopped going to school. I saw a new game console and even beer in his room and I know he doesn’t have the money or anyone who would buy him the beer so he must be stealing. I’ve even noticed my youngest has started to mimic his bad behaviour now, something that used to really upset him. Now my youngest is starting fights on the playground, which I’ve tried disciplining him over but then he gets mad that he can’t when I “let” big brother do it. I’ve never seen my oldest hurt anyone but I have no reason to think my youngest would lie about that. I have always, ALWAYS told them both that it is NEVER okay to hit someone. He always knew we don’t hit. But now he’s becoming more violent and what’s worse I even heard him cussing out one of his classmates, threatening to ‘use his powers’ on them.

When I confronted him about it, the next thing I knew I was on the ground with cuts all over my body. I barely saw it but it looked like he had a large blade coming out of his arm. I fear my son has gotten involved with a Monommy and I don’t know what to do. His face turned white when he saw what he had done to me and he cried and cried so I know he’s still my good boy but I don’t know how to get past this.

Does anyone else here have experience with their kids and Monommy? The real ones.

EDIT: I don’t know which monommy, that isn’t the point. He’s gotten involved with a monommy already I just want him to not be lashing out like this. If my son has superpowers then fine but I want him to be a hero not a villain

EDIT 2: if you think I’m reporting my son to some God forsaken government agency you have another thing coming

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