#095 – Crescemy

#094 - Onicemy
#096 - Tulimy
Crescemy, Monommy #095, a mother class divine-type
Crescemy, the “crescent moon” Monommy

#086 – Crescemy

Crescemy, a mother class divine-type Monommy and the lady of the moon. As a cosmic Monommy, she can breathe in space and can freely float. Crescemy’s lunar glow has a soothing affect to all those who look upon her beauty, but her moonlight magic can also be used to conjure powerful energy beams, spears of light, and orbs of intense energy. Crescemy is known as being the only non-Grand Monommy to have a solid grasp on using gravity magic, although hers pales in comparison to CosmoKinmy’s. Crescemy watches over Frewosz from her perch on the moon, blessing all who gaze up at the moon’s glow with protective magic. As a skillful caster of spells, Crescemy is revered for her power. She has a massive crush on Radiamy, who shares these feelings, although neither has ever confessed. Maybe some day.

An update on the fight against anomalous activity from Twin Star Contingency Research

We at Twin Star are excited to share with the public that we have made a breakthrough in our research towards ending the anomaly crisis. Not long ago, our weapons research teams conducted an operation that successfully lead to the destruction of an anomalous organism that threatened our way of life. The anomalous lifeform “Monommy” referred to as Uplinkmy was successfully neutralized by Twin Star’s latest weapons systems.

This is of major significance as prior to this operation, conventional weaponry proved to be of little use against such a powerful anomalous target. Although the weapon was destroyed in the process, a new, much more stable version of the weapon is in development, and we have hopes it may even be able to seal sky wounds should another tear open.

We at Twin Star have made great advancements towards the protection of humankind from these anomalies, and our dedicated research teams have been working tirelessly day and night since the first Sky Wound Incident.

We will update the public when the new weapon is complete. As always, avoid all anomalies and keep yourself safe.

We shall see this brighter future together.

Od's Profile Picture

So Twin Star just released this declaration that they have a Monommy killing weapon now. I guess Uplinkmy’s dead.

I thought I’d look into it more and frankly I’m disgusted by what I’ve seen.

Catherine's Profile Picture

What is it?

Od's Profile Picture

Their “weapon”. They called it Deusectomy.

It’s made out of the mutilated corpse of a Monommy. I found papers on something they called project firefight. Their weapon uses Monommy body parts to power itself.

Guardiamy looks like she’s in so much pain…

Kane's Profile Picture

Uplinkmy was telling the gemstone guardians to find Guardiamy.

That was actually the last time I talked to Uplinkmy, too. She really wanted to know what happened to Guardiamy.. I guess she found out..

Ember's Profile Picture

I’m sorry Virusmy. Kane. I know you guys knew Uplinkmy.

Od's Profile Picture

I have more bad news unfortunately. It looks like Bestiemy was made by Twin Star too.

Catherine's Profile Picture

Really? But Bestiemy saves people. She sealed the first sky wound!

Od's Profile Picture

According to this, Bestiemy is the replacement for Deusectomy. Still made using Guardiamy’s body. The new and improved weapon for Twin Star…

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